Negra looks on as Foxie opens a birthday gift
Jody and Missy in a mess of wrapping paper. Missy with raisin board.
Annie opening a gift
Missy and Jamie looking out window at horses in field. The chimps are still using a lot of the gifts, like the sturdy yellow table Jamie is sitting on, from the last party donated by blog readers through our Target and Amazon wish list; and the humans are very gratefully using all of the kitchen stuff we received! We’re still adding new items to the Amazon wish list (see link at right) – the latest items received include a Little Tykes wrench and a mirror so we can see the chimpanzees when they are on the second level in the playroom. A huge THANK YOU to all who have donated their time, talent, gifts and money in order for us to care for this very unique group of seven.
Five chimpanzees on catwalk resting in front of the windows after a terrific party.
Margaret and Karen says
What a super birthday party for Foxie. We have LOVED looking at the photos of it and reading the text. Thank you as always. It is delightful to see how the chimps can party so whole heartedly. Total glee. Total immersion in the joy of present time. Also, the postings by others about the party are so interesting and really say it all. Have a great day … all of you.
Shelly Knapp says
oh right on! now how great is that? party until you’re pooped! 😉 love seeing the photo’s of all of the activity and then seeing them “sacked out” on the catwalk. just too much fun (actually, there’s not such a thing as too much fun). what a great incentive to keep having enrichment parties ~ makes the chimps happy and soothes my soul to see them this way.
Shelly Campbell says
I ordered Foxies birthday present off of the wishlist, but I didn’t realize they wouldn’t let me giftwrap it or send a card so I will send that separately….sorry! I should have sent it to the PO box…I will remember that the next birthday….Can we have a list of the birthdays so we can put them on our calenders please, I need to get organized for the 7 so I am ahead of the game…thank you so much! Shelly C XOXOXOXOXOXOXO to the seven!
Jeani Goodrich says
Ditto to all the above. The photos are a huge incentive to have more parties. Does the saying “Party til you drop!” fit that picture of them on the cat walk? I would love to have a list of all the chimps birthdays for my calendar. Thanks, as always, for all you guys do.
dee says
great job everyone at CSNW!
can’t help but notice their progress and the wonders you are already working..
can really see what a difference in them physically from when they first arrived a couple of months ago
these guys REALLY LOOK GOOD! particularly Jamie I think (from when we’ve seen her in that video where she’s drawing w/crayons, a week or so after they arrived) her complexion now is so much much better and her hair seems to be filling out nicely. GO JAMIE!
all the pictures taken by everybody are really great.. you seem to know exactly the right times to click!
loved the catwalk photo (I didn’t know there was a catwalk!)..
how they’re hangin’ out & relaxing together,, how safe & supported they are now and how they are no longer in unreliable research or entertainment … YAY!