There was a comment on an earlier post about chimpanzees painting, so I thought I’d post a couple of Jamie’s latest. I guess you would call these “mixed media”, since she used paint and crayon.
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by J.B.
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
Margaret and Karen says
We love Jamie’s art! We also love all the posts, particularly the last bunch with discussion of what we can all do to help the animals our species have abused and continue to abuse. We also love the sense of togetherness that is developing among the bloggers….those who post and our awareness of those who enjoy but do not post.
In this spirit we have a suggestion of something we could all do together. We understand that the sancutary has an second hand, regular laundry washer and dryer that are used extensively. There is a huge amount of laundry every day to keep the chimpanzees safe and comfortable. What CSNW really needs is an industrial strength washer and dryer set. It would be a disaster if the washer/dryer they have suddenly gave out–which they will given their constant and heavy use. We also understand that the staff cannot give the chimpanzees quilts because the current machines cannot handle them. Surely our friends will need quilts in the winter. Also, larger machines would save valuable staff time because fewer loads would be needed.
So here is our idea. We will research the cost of an industrial strength washer/drier set. We suspect it will be about $2000 but will let you all know when we know for sure. We are willing donate $500 toward the cost of this equipment. Are there other bloggers who would contribute toward this? Wouldn’t it be fun if this essential equipment came from our blogger community? What do you all think?
Anyone who agrees with this idea should probably send the money into the sanctuary earmaked for the washer/dryer. We will ask the staff to blog on the progress of funds.
(Of course, as you all know, our donations are tax deductible.)
Shelly Knapp says
I’m in Margaret and Karen! The monetary contribution I’ll be able to make right now won’t be large, but, hey, if many of us send a bit it’ll add up. THANKS SO MUCH to both of you for your extraordinary generosity ~ that’s awesome 🙂
I’ll plan to send a check to the sanctuary marked “washer/dryer” by the end of this week.
Gosh, does anybody know management at Sears or any other store that might want to sponsor a few big ticket items? Maybe materials needed for the larger outdoor enclosure? Somebody stop me……I can get so carried away with all of this 😉
Margaret and Karen says
Great Shelly. That is our idea too….a little bit from a lot can add up to GREAT things! Thank you! Who else? 🙂
Great idea about anyone with connections with the industry who can possibly get some discount. That is what is so great about communities (and we are certainly a community now) there is so much power in numbers! Many brains are great!
Shelly Campbell says
COunt me in to girls, I will also send a check marked washer/dryer, anything for the 7 from heaven….I received this email today and thought I would share it with everyone, after I read it I sent Diane Feinstein another letter with an attachment to the chimpsanctuarynw and asked her and her staff to visit the site, I explained that if seeing how rescueing these 7 beauties from medical research has brought so mach happiness to them and others, then I do not know what would and asked her to pass it on!!! Talk to you all soon! Shelly C
Dear Mrs. Campbell:
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the Mandatory Alternatives Petition on animal testing filed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I appreciate the time you took to write and welcome the opportunity to respond.
I share your concern about the suffering that animals endure when they are used for experiments and I agree with you that animals should be treated humanely whenever possible. I am especially interested in finding ways to reduce redundant, irrelevant, or misguided experiments. As you may know, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is responsible for overseeing the treatment of research animals under the Animal Welfare Act. In addition, the National Institutes of Health provide oversight through their Office of Animal Welfare. Please know that my staff has carefully reviewed the Petition and I will be sure to consider your suggestion to write a letter of support to the FDA.
Again, thank you for taking the time to write to me. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Shelly Campbell says
Oh and I LOVE THE ARTWORK, time for an auction!!!!!! I will buy a painting and frame it for my office and one for my home!!!!!
to the 7
Shelly Campbell says
Thank you JB, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish everyday that I would have done some kind of training now for animals, I want to work with animals more than anything. I printed one of your applications so I can volunteer, but I am in California, I just want to help animals!! I took my 2 toy poodles for grooming yesterday, it was $75 each, I was like wow thats expensive for grooming but when I went to this groomers business she had a doggie day care going on too, I was so jealous. I would love her job too, to get up in the morning instead of going to my office and working with people ( I am a Customer Relations Manager) I would so much rather get up in the morning and be excited to go to my job and work with animals. If I ever win the lottery or can sell my house, if the market ever goes back up, I want to change, I want to do something in my life to help animals, so if you have any ideals please feel free to send them my way. I already rescue every dog I find walking down the street, but I want to make a difference. I have a few thoughts in my head and people laugh at me, but I feel If you want something bad enough you can make it happen!!!!!!!
Margaret and Karen says
You have a great heart Shelly C. Thanks for sharing the letter from Senator Feinstein. I often think that the simple things are sometimes what in the end will add up to the most. What if everyone of us wrote a letter every day on behalf of the animals? Imagine the letters flying around. Some of them would take root. One little seed! See what happened when Keith read that article about chimpanzees needing sanctuaries years ago and thought “what if”. As someone said a few days ago, let’s all do something every day. It will work. You are an inspiration Shelly. Thanks also for being on board for the washer/dryer. 🙂
Jeani Goodrich says
Count me in on the washer and dryer. What a fantastic idea. Shelly C. Thanks for sharing the letter from Senator Feinstein. It helps to hear all the ways we can support the animals. Check to see if there is a wildlife center in your area. I volunteer at one in the Seattle area and it helps offset the job working with people. I totally agree with you… if my ship comes in I am at a sanctuary or wildlife center!!
Here is to doing something everyday, no matter how small we might think it is, the ripple effect will join with others and we will cause a tidal wave.
Jeani Goodrich says
I forgot. Those pictures are beautiful. I hope you are saving all of them and will sell them. What an ongoing fund raiser it could be. I would also take two, for home and school.
Debbie says
Margaret and Karen,
What a great idea, count me in on the washer/dryer. I will send my donation today!!! I love how this blog community is coming together. I love being a part of it.
Also I would love a piece of Jamie’s art to go along with my picture of her.
Pam says
I am volunteering tomorrow – so will give them a check then… great idea, Margaret and Karen!
dee says
I’d like to contribute also – but I must wait & see next week (please understand, lots goin’ on, plus I’ll be involved in a big TNR cat situation and I know I’ll need some extra dough to pay for the extras cuz some of these cats need extra medical attention also)
it won’t be a lot (like Shelly K mentioned) but I will do what I can ..
I so wish that I could match Margaret & Karen’s contribution, you guys are great & bless you!
Jamie’s art is fantastic!
the top one to me looks like some sort of mop or broom (wonder if she also helps with the chores there (?)) – the bottom one sorta looks to me like a sneaker or maybe a super space car ..
the strokes & curves are superb and the color combinations are brilliant .. and I like how she knows when to stop – GO JAMIE!
yeah, I’d love to buy one of these too!
thanks Shelly C for taking the time contacting DF
everybody please don’t forget to help support The Great Ape Protection Act .. go to .. spread the word!
and Pam – tomorrow, please kindly ask Negra, Burrito, Missy & Annie to get in on some of those pictures/videos that you guys take, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Margaret and Karen says
Dee…thank you for all you do. TNR is a labor of love and what an enormous amount of good it is doing. I imagine you are connected with Feral Cats Spay Neuter Clinic. I am in awe of them… spay/neutering over 40,000 cats in less than 10 years. Don’t ever think that giving smaller amounts moneywise is any less than a gift from someone else. When we each give what we can, it is a match! Absolutely. Time and money is not measured in volume….it is measured by the love in the heart and yours is great.
Pam says
Some Washer/Dryer Information…
I was out runnering errands today, so thought I would check in with some stores to see what I could find regarding washer/dryers. One of the sales people suggested that since we wanted a commercial grade set we should check with the Maytag store. I went to the one in Southcenter – and by luck talked with the store manager. When I explained why we wanted to purchase them and how/where they would be used, she was very interested in hearing details as she had seen the news report when the “Cle Elum Seven” first arrived.
Since the W/D will have so much use with large bulky items, she suggested the MTW6700TQ washer and the MED6600TQ dryer (details can be found on the website). The washer is top loading, but does not have an agitator – so items like the stuffed animals and larger blankets/quilts would not be a problem. The inside of the dryer is so large I think that Foxie or Jodie could fit in it!
Margaret and Karen, you were right on for pricing – this washer retails at $999.95 and the dryer at $899.95 – but the manager offered to discount them to $845.95 and $749.95 for a savings of $305. She also suggested that if we wanted to write a letter explaining the project and send it to her – she would present it to her board to see if anything further could be done. Of course, there are no promises for that – but the above discounted price is definite if we want to pursue these models.
Let me know what you all think… and if you want me to write a letter to see if they would consider a further discount. Meanwhile, I will take the information sheets with me tomorrow and have Diana, Sarah and JB take a look at them to see if they think this would be something like they might like.
Have to run – as I need to take the homemade granola out of the oven… the chimps treat for tomorrow!
Margaret and Karen says
Fabulous, Pam. This sounds wonderful! How great that they are offering a discount! Yeah. Talk with Sarah, JB and Diana about it and see if they think this model would work. They are cheaper than the ones I was looking at online. However, that is good if the CSNW staff think they would work. I say yes, write a letter…..again check with our three great staff people. I am happy to help with the writing too if you want someone to glance at it for editing purposes. Talk with the staff tomorrow about information to put in the letter and it should probably come on a CSNW letterhead. Thank you so much Pam, for following up on this. WONDERFUL. I have a feeling we are going to get this w/d set quite soon. 🙂
Shelly Knapp says
WAY TO GO PAM!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim Meehan says
Hi all….just wanted to say I think the first painting may be a representation of Trixie…she has an orangey body and had pink hair! I have seen lots of great ape art and see all the time that it can be representational (not always).
I think you people are wonderful friends to the chimps and the staff, keep up the good work!
dee says
oh wow – thank you so much Margaret & Karen for the kind & encouraging words … much appreciated .. you’re the tops!
thank you also Pam!