Since Burrito had a very significant birthday yesterday (how can he be 40!), I’ve been thinking a lot about him and the life lessons that he imparts just by being who he is.
As Katelyn mentioned in this month’s birthday blog, “… Burrito reminds us it’s always possible (even when it might feel as though it’s not) to find something to celebrate, no matter how small.”
Here are some other life lessons that I think Burrito has given us:
A sense of humor brightens the day.
There’s always something to laugh about.
Your friends will forgive the occasional outburst.
Stay active, even if you aren’t feeling 100%.
If you can, get outside everyday.
Rest is important. Don’t let anyone interfere with your nightly sleep routine.
Don’t let your age stop you from being silly. Actually, don’t let anything stop you from being silly.
Don’t sweat the small stuff… or the big stuff.
Greet your friends with enthusiasm – they will appreciate it.
When life hands you lemons, eat them! Lemons are delicious.
Speaking of food, enjoy every bite.
Here are some Burrito lessons from Kelsi, who inspired this post:
Life is short. Don’t take it too seriously.
Spending quality time with friends trumps everything else.
It’s never too late to reinvent yourself!
And an addition from Jenna:
Everything is a toy if you want it to be.