Here are a couple of photos of Burrito and Jamie looking at the new photo album of supporters. Please keep the photos coming! It’s been great for me to put together the album. Burrito seemed to like the photos of the dogs and cats and Jamie was pretty interested in the humans.
housewarming party
Party Video
Housewarming Party
The chimps had a great time at their housewarming party today. Here are a few photos – more photos and video to come.
Annie enjoys some cattails:
Burrito opens his new lunchbox:
Foxie found a new doll, but hasn’t given up on Trixie:
Jamie got dressed up for the occasion:
Jody inspects her new pinwheel:
Negra with a flip flop:
And as the party wound down, Missy fell asleep wearing her sunglasses on top of her head: