We are always trying to think up new ways to enrich the chimpanzees’ daily lives. Sometimes this is in the form of new toys, or a large number of one beloved item (like the Jolly Balls Krissy got for Burrito for his birthday!), or something as simple as new presentations of existing enrichment (like adding raffia to ice eggs to allow us to hang them and encourage the chimpanzees to explore and utilize their space).
Burrito reaches for watermelon placed on a tree branch.
Oftentimes, we have an idea of who might enjoy new enrichment items the most. Burrito is always a good guess, as he loves to have fun! Last year, we purchased some heavy duty rubber bouncy balls for the chimpanzees. I immediately thought Burrito would enjoy them most. However, someone else surprised me, and has taken the most interest in these new toys. Watch the video to see who it is!
As a bonus, enjoy this photo of Rayne in one of the Wildlife Toy Box sturdy boxes gifted to us by a generous donor last year. This was exactly how I had hoped the box would be used, so I was thrilled to see Rayne relaxing in it!