There’s nothing we at CSNW love more than a nice, peaceful day in the Chimp House. And lucky for us the group of nine blessed us with one this week. In today’s video enjoy breakfast, mid-morning grooming sessions and pre-dinner play time with Cy’s group.
Nothing like following up your delicious breakfast by picking a few scabs off your friends face with your mouth!!
I always think, when we see their scrapes and scabs, about how they got there.
I cannot believe Rayne can sit in full meditation posture balanced on a 2-inch-wide fire hose!
If only we humans could learn the value of peace and play.
Happy toes Rayne!!! Just like Foxie, I love those happy toes!
Also I love seeing HB grooming and playing. It’s great to see her grooming with Terry. I love how his lips go a thousand miles an hour when he’s grooming, it’s so endearing!
This video makes me so happy I’m rubbing my toes together.
Very entertaining video. I’m happy that it was such a quiet relaxing day for all. It was good to see Honey B, I’ve missed her. She must be behaving herself lately…that can’t last long.
I love Raynee-days! She’s radiating wisdom and serenity. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:
What an endearing video and a great way to chill out. Zen indeed it was. It looked to me at the end of the video a little nap was in order with those blankets. These amazing chimps teach us so much as they live totally in their present moment. Thanks for sharing.
OMG Rayne’s toes! That was just the BEST!
Oh, yes, Rayne could play the piano …….with her feet! Brilliant.