Our heartfelt thanks is going out to two of our long-time chimpanzee friends as Erin Yuhas is sponsoring today for her mom, Maureen McHorney!
“Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you even more than I love chimpanzees, and that’s A LOT!
This donation is a present for my mom’s birthday! My mom loves chimps as much as I do and donates regularly to help support their lifelong care. She has visited several sanctuaries and has even volunteered–helping to prepare meals and enrichment, and even feeding the chimps and observing their medical training sessions. We both love your daily blogs and updates and watching the chimps enjoy their freedom. Thank you for all you do and for sharing their lives with us.”
Happiest of days to you, Maureen! We so appreciate your and Erin’s dedicated support of the chimpanzees. We’re all wishing you a gorgeous day of celebration!
Foxie and Negra:
The gift of Burrito:
Lucky and Rayne:
Annie play biting Missy’s toes:
Sending out the happiest of birthday wishes to Maureen! How wonderful is it to interact and observe your chimpanzee friends?! Thank you both for all you do for our sanctuary friends.
Love these photos, Katelyn. Jamie overloaded with pineapples and Annie kissing Missy’s foot with sock on…. Sigh…… Every single little moment of sanctuary is significant!
Maureen, everyone is over the moon about your birthday!
Burrito is putting on his finest, Foxie and Negra are the greeters, Jamie bringing the snacks, and Missy and Annie are bringing the party!
Hope it’s a happy one!
Happy Birthday, Maureen. Thanks for your dedication and support of sanctuary chimps. And thanks Erin for honoring our mom.
Happiest of Birthday wishes to you Maureen.
Happy birthday, Maureen and thank you, both of you for your dedication to the chimps! :birthday::monkey_face::cow2::tulip::champagne_glass: