There’s so much left to experience – for all of us!
Thanks for those who have already given towards days like these via GiveBIG, either on our main page or my and Monica’s birthday page!
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Diana
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
Happy birthday again, Diana!
Terry stayed partially dry under the platform. These guys don’t sneer at the rain like Foxy and Burrito do!
Happy birthday, Diana and Monica and I hope you have a good response. to your “birthday page” project for the sanctuary. I loved this video of a rainy day, the kind you just want to snuggle up with under a blanket. Was it raining heavily at the time as I thought I could hear the rain all the way here in Sydney! Whatever, it didn’t stop the chimps having a good time together.
Happy Birthday. Diana and Monica. I hope you don’t have to forage in the rain for your birthday cakes.
I have to say Rayne, Lucky, and Terry did a great job gathering up what they could under circumstances that would dampen anyone’s picnic experience. Yay Terry for hanging in the longest! (I was hoping he was going to break into rain dance) It is really heartwarming to see each one stretching beyond their comfort zone day by day.
Happy Birthday, Diana and Monica!
I’m impressed by the chimps! None seemed particularly concerned with the rain. Gorillas are very funny, as they’re not big fans- they run fast, hand over their head, to get away from it. And their upright movement is, frankly amusing. So YAY Chimps!
Big Happy Birthday to Diana and Monica!!!
Love seeing Cy and the gang outside, rain or shine!