Many thanks to Lisa Nowak, who sponsored a day of sanctuary in gratitude for our daily blog here at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest and for the loveliest message she shared:
“Hopefully this blog is a labor of love. I know it adds a significant responsibility for the caregivers who already have a jam/packed schedule taking care of these beloved chimpanzee people and bovines. I think I speak for all the other blog readers as well when I say that this blog means so much to the readers. You allow all of the readers to become an extended family not only to the chimps and bovines, but also to you, the dedicated caregivers. This blog enriches my life and adds joyfulness to it every time I read it. My appreciation for it is immeasurable and thank you doesn’t seem substantial enough to convey how meaningful this blog is to me. You have my heartfelt gratitude for providing me the treasure of this blog!
And to all the CSNW caregivers for their impressive writing skills on the blog. I find it fun to try and guess who wrote the blog each day. Sometimes the titles themselves give away the author. I so appreciate that the blog writers keep the content honest, transparent, educational, heartfelt, humorous, soulful, respectful and even in vulnerable times allow the readers beautiful insight into the happenings at the sanctuary and their own lives. You all share the amazing ability of bringing everything to life with your words. I am often in awe of the multifaceted talents of all the caregivers at CSNW. You are all truly extraordinary people.”
We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness, Lisa! It makes us so happy to know how much the blog is loved. While occasionally true that the daily blog posts are not always the easiest to produce, it’s our privilege and joy to be able to share the lives of these of special individuals we love so much with everyone and we’re profoundly grateful to you all for being part of all our lives. The chimpanzees’ and bovines’ lives in sanctuary would, quite sincerely, not be possible without you. <3
(Insider’s tip: This is Part I of II, so be sure to be on the lookout for the next of Lisa’s gracious sponsorships tomorrow!) 🙂
Jamie, hard at work, as always. I was just imagining what Jamie might say if she were to write a blog about, well, everyone else – HA!:
I suspect the cattle wouldn’t give two figs about the blog, but I’m certain they appreciate the loyal support of you all in helping us keep the hay bales stacked high and the grain bins heaped full:
Meredith 🙂
Cindee says
I 100% agree with everything Lisa said above, I could not have said it better myself! Thank you Lisa, for stating this so eloquently.
Don says
Thank you, Lisa! You are great to sponsor the day in honor of the Blog! It is so informative, the photos are great..we all know how much time it takes to do so, and we really appreciate it! The Blog is super special, so thank you, thank you, thank you, Lisa!
Kathleen says
Dear Lisa, I stand in solidarity with you and your sponsorship today. Couldn’t express it any better, your words so heartfelt. Here’s to the daily blog and the brilliant and compassionate writers. And here’s to the wondrous place we call Sanctuary! There’s no place like Home.
marianne says
What Kathleen said!
Paulette says
Me too! Lisa you’ve said what I think and feel just perfectly. I love this little sanctuary so much, and it’s due to this blog allowing us such an intimate glimpse to our beloved chimps. Bovines too, but honestly it’s mostly the chimps as they are so relatable. Thank you Lisa, and thank you to every single being at CSNW.
Tobin says
“As I was about to say…”. Thank you, Lisa, for the charity and clarity of your words. The CSNW daily blog is essential reading, and viewing. I eagerly await what Jamie has to offer as she sets her opinion to paper. I can only imagine how delicious the gossip, as my bud Meredith so aptly demonstrates with her tongue!
Maureen says
Add me to the cheering section. Thank you, Lisa, for your perfect thank you. The blog is so important, and brings us all closer, and allows us into the lives of these chimp people we love so much. It’s so nice to be a part of a group of such respectful, appreciative followers.
Paulette says
Yes! I so enjoy the followers as well. They add so much to blog. And it feels like a group of friends.
Julie Olson says
Thank you Lisa for expressing my feelings about the blog. i believe the blog is the reason I feel so connected and part of the sanctary.
Linda C says
I agree completely, Lisa. The blog is often a bright spot in my day, ansd I play the same guessing game!
Penelope Anderson says
Well written, fully endorsed by a fellow blog reader.:thumbsup:
Mark B. says
It’s all been said above. To Lisa: Bravo!
Sandie Allaway says
Kudos Lisa for this sponsorship and your beautiful letter with such love!! You speak for all of us here! Thank you!
Nancy Duryea says
You can add me to the list of those who appreciates Lisa’s heartfelt words. Thank you Lisa.
Marcie says
Great idea Lisa, thank you for your generosity.
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
Lisa, you spoke for all of us blog readers/followers with your insightful comments.
For myself following the daily blog brings me so much closer to the beloved sanctuary and its amazing residents. I feel that I am part of something wonderful with a whole group of caring friends. Thank you one and all!
Gaynell says
Lisa, thank you so much for your sponsorship in honor of the CSNW blog. Your words eloquently expressed your heartfelt appreciation for the joy the blog brings to you. i love reading it daily as so many others do. I had the great experience of attending HOOT thIs year and putting a face to some blog writers and blog readers. What a fun night.
Donna “Kelly” Kuntz says
Seconding all of the above as the CSN blog always begins my day with a smile and love in my heart….both for the residents, and the staff who so tenderly, thoughtfully and carefully tend to their needs.
Arlene and Michael says
Thank you Lisa for your kindness and generosity. Beautiful words. Beautiful blog. Love the pictures!
Deanna says
Ditto Kathleen! i have often found Kathleens remarks on par to that ofnthe caregivers! so thank you Kathleen!!
Love the photos of Cy boy, Gordo, and Rayne!! Oh and the Bovine tongue licking nose is priceless!!!! Had to screen shot a couple of those photos to save!!!!
Adrienne says
Wonderful act of generosity and letter, Lisa, thank you!