To start, if you haven’t read Anthony’s final blog from Monday, I would stop here and go read his blog first. He very beautifully wrote about his experiences in sanctuary and the new journey he is about to start, but he also described the life of a caregiver. To be a caregiver is a true honor, but it also comes with many challenges. There are moments like the one I am going to write about today that make everything worth the hard parts, but then you have days of watching your friends fight and there is nothing you can do to help (which might just be the hardest part of the job). I digress though, I encourage you to read his blog!
For me personally, watching chimps who struggle socially develop strong relationships with other chimps is one of the most extraordinary parts of the job. Facilitating chimp introductions may have been one of the most stressful points in my career, but it was also one of the most rewarding as well. Now that they are a fully integrated group, I catch amazing moments every day between Honey B and Dora in particular, both with other individuals in their group and with each other. I feel so immensely proud of them. With their own quirks, they each left us unsure of how they would integrate in the very beginning of the introduction stage. This is not a new story I am telling; many of you who follow the blog know that we had a few individuals that we referred to as “wild cards.” What I didn’t expect was for Dora to become Miss Popular or for Honey B to sometimes be the cool, calm and collected one in the group. One might even go as far as saying that she may occasionally be a peace-keeper, and has developed strong relationships with multiple people in her group! This is just proof that chimps really do belong in larger groups with more social stimulation. I am not exactly sure what I am getting at today, but I am just really, really happy for them!
It is not so surprising that Honey B let the sweet, tiny, but also mighty Dora into her social circle. They did live with each other at Wildlife Waystation at some point, so they were not wholly unfamiliar. As Terry knows, however, it doesn’t always matter if you have history; you still have to put the work in for a friendship! (Fortunately, Honey B and Terry are good friends now.) While Terry had to work hard for Honey B’s affection, Dora did not. What a wild experience it must be to think that you won’t ever see or live with someone again and then end up back together. I hope you enjoy this video of Honey B and Dora, the two most likely friends :).
Bonus photo of Foxie:
Linda C says
Hey, Fox! :heartbeat:
Kelsi, I’m glad you guys are covering this, because I joked a week or so ago about what it feels like when your old friend and your roommate meet and become besties. Glad to see that Beezus and Dora still get to share some time, since Honey B needs some friends, too. And glad she and Terry can get over their awkwardness together (I’ll admit I thought it poetic justice that Honey B thought Terry came on too strong right out of the gate!)
Li’l Dora seems to be filling out her li’l belly!
Karen says
What about Doras old friends, Lucky and Rayne, does she spend time with them and have they bonded with any of the three?
And what about the boys, are they a boy gang or is Willy B not in any groups ?
Kathleen says
What a great post. (and maybe another topic for one of your of virtual visits–friendships and trust. :wink:) I guess you never know who someone is going be until you give them the freedom to be themselves. Seeing all the positive changes and friendships formed within the two groups must be rewarding beyond words.
Little Dora seems to be such a kind friend. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a chimp eating off another chimp. And oh those juicy slurping sounds! Yummy.
Kim Harris says
What timing for this great topic. Like Kathleen mentioned, the relationships that have (or have not) developed as a fully integrated group would be a grear topic for a virtual visit. I just said the same thing in my comments of the virtual visit demonstrating PRT. I’m interested to learn not only of the strong friendships thay have developed, but also of any hierarchies that have emerged, and if there are any individuals who tend to avoid each other. And who is Lucky’s BFF???
Marcie says
Thanks for the good news on Honey B and Dora. Whenever someone gets a chance can we also get an update on our Bovine buddies and the barn cat? Hope they are doing well this winter.