The Cle Elum Seven formed by Negra, Jamie, Burrito, Jody, Foxie, Annie and Missy have been neighbors to the newly formed group of nine chimpanzees for almost four months now. We have received questions about whether they react or not to the other group. The short answer is yes, the long answer is that it depends. I have been working as a caregiver at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest for about 15 months now and during this time I’ve noticed that some of the chimpanzees under our care react more than others when it comes to ruckus on the opposite group. Some members of the Cle Elum Seven get very invested when they hear something going on, while others continue their day like if it were business as usual.
A great example of this is what happened today at lunch time. We set up a forage in Young’s Hill for the seven that included corn, mini peppers, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, onions, and chow. With the idea of grabbing stills of them foraging for their favorite items, I brought the camera with me. Every single one of them was super excited to get out there, with Negra leading the way. About 3 minutes into the forage, the nine had a disagreement and the screaming on that side commenced. Jamie, Foxie, Annie, and Burrito dropped what they were doing to investigate. They went to the corner of the hill with the best view of the greenhouses and stood bipedally trying to figure out what was happening. As the screaming on the other side of the sanctuary continued, they eventually went inside to the greenhouse and playroom to peek from the windows and display at the other group. I realized that six of the seven chimps were inside and ignoring their meal. So where was Negra?
I walked outside and found her. Alone. On top of a platform, enjoying an ear of corn. She seemed completely unfazed by what she could hear happening in the distance. Cases like this make me wonder whether she thinks her group mates are fit enough to handle the issue without needing her assistance, or whether she simply put food first and decided to let the situation unfold. Whatever it was, she looked peaceful, at ease with her corn and chow, simply unbothered.
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered she is not………..
Ha-ha-ha! While Her Majesty’s subjects are distracted by the proverbial bread and circuses, she shrewdly enjoys her royal share of corn. Royalty does have its prerogatives.
She was curious, but el maíz puede más!
Thanks, Sofía! I love that you guys share their spying with us!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
I’ve slways thought of Negra as Buddha, although his sister perhaps. But who really knows Buddha’sgender. This confirms it. She just thinks life is too good now to mess it up with fights and grudges and unnecessary overexcitement. Well done, Negra. I wish I could have your inner strength and enlightened perspective.
I, too, have often thought of her zen, Françoise…
I’m with you, Negra….I’ll take food over drama any day!
I agree about Negra’s “Buddha-nature” and her aplomb in just “being there” as she was. Corn is very important, after all! I’ve also commented before on my experience of Mave being a Buddha-prone person, especially in some of the pics of her sitting upright with her eyes closed in a contemplative pose. Who knows what she’s thinking about! I’m glad that each of the groups has a deeply thoughtful member to help balance some of the more raucous goings-on. It’s wonderful to see Negra and her corn up on that platform without a care in the world sufficient to interrupt her priorities and peace in that moment. Thank you, Neggie, for being such a good role model!
With age comes wisdom!
No doubt in my mind, Negra put food first and decided to let the situation unfold. Besides, if she needs to be called upon to give her Royal Clap, it’s best to have your hungry tummy satiated.
I just have to say it. I love dear Negra deeply and dearly. Thanks for making my day with this post.
I do so love Queen Neggie. She knew that if needed, her mates would call out. In the meantime she could enjoy her corn in peace. As previously stated, with age comes wisdom.
Maybe sometime you could share your security video of the dust up in the other group? I am always so interested in what causes them, who aligns with who, and the Conciliatory gestures afterwards. I remember seeing a video with a play-by-play of a conflict (and resolution) in the Cle Elum seven. It was very informative.
Ah Negra. She is pretty chill isn’t she?
Could Negra be getting a little deaf with age?
I asked myself the same question
An interesting question, Linda. I’m profoundly hard of hearing and without what I call my “appliances” I don’t hear much of anything. Thankfully, they eliminate most of the problems, and I have one wonderful advantage: I turn them off and enjoy total, blissful silence, something not easily found in downtown Toronto.
If Negra is deaf or getting there, she certainly feels the many vibrations in the greenhouse, sees the activities of others, and has the indefinable sense of perception that we all possess.