I have a 15 minute long video that I’ve been working on for you all for more than a week, piecing together clips from the security cameras on a particularly busy morning. But, technology is not serving me well, and I’ve been unable to finalize the file for an unknown reason. I showed a very short clip of it during yesterday’s “Insider Briefing” for the Chimpanzees in Need campaign, and now I feel like that was a tremendous tease. Sorry!
It was dinner time and I had been trying to troubleshoot the movie software all day, and I had NO BLOG POST. I was a little panicky. But, don’t worry, Gordo saved me/us.
Yesterday, Gordo wasn’t feeling well and didn’t eat all of his meals, so we’ve been a little concerned. Today, however, he seemed to be back to all of his Gordo ways, including taking his dinner in a box.
This particular box was clear on the other side of the Oakwood Greenhouse, so we had to walk out the door and around the greenhouse to serve him. This is what I saw when I was looking for him from the hallway.
Jenna was able to take these two photos of Gordo finishing off the banana portion of dinner:
I took these while he was eating an onion (yep, the chimps like raw onions!)
We had delayed the handing out of nightbags for his group, and Gordo had gone inside to the front rooms, but he insisted on going all the way back to his box in the greenhouse for the nightbag service:
tomaustin says
Alex says
Gordo is really growing on me. But my heart still belongs to Burrito
Linda C says
Ahahahaha, Gordo saves the day!
I love how, in the first photo, you can’t tell he’s looking up–it looks like he’s really surprised
Francoise says
Wow. Sitting in the box reveals how big he is!
Tobin says
Diana,. What was wrong with Gordo?
Diana says
Hi Tobin! we dont know what was wrong with Gordo. Yesterday he did not take all of his food and appeared to maybe have some stomach discomfort. Since he seemed to be doing better today, our best guess is constipation and/or gas.
Tami Roy says
what a character! I look forward to these wonderful blogs before i go to bed. It’s a nice way to end the day!
Kathleen says
It’s wonderful that something as simple as a cardboard box gives Gordo comfort and it makes for a snug sopt to enjoy a meal. I hope Gordo continues to feels well. Poor chap, we can’t have anyone falling ill. Your medical facility has had enough action this year.
Is this a typo or is there really 15 minute long video in the works?! Sounds fantastic! How do you find the time, especially now with HOOT! just around the corner. I await your video with breathless anticipation.
Diana says
It’s not a typo, and I figured out the glitch, so hopefully I can post it soon. :heart_eyes:
Nancy Duryea says
I love that Gordo went back to the box to eat his nightbag. Gordo certainly is a big, handsome guy. ?. I’m rather hungry now, I wish I had a nightbag filled with something good, maybe a box of Good and Plenty’s!!
John Joseph O'Brien says
Oh look! It’s Gordo in a box. Move over “Jack-in-the Box!
Kim Harris says
I saw the video clip yesterday of the mall walkers; I’m anxiously awaiting the full video! The footage from the security cams gives such a unique perspective.
I would love to have a peak inside Gordo’s thoughts to know why he absolutely adores boxes!!!
marianne says
Where did you see the Mall Walkers Kim?
I would love to see theat!1
And I understand Gordo very well to want his nightbag served ìn his box…
Whatever fall out the bag, falls into the box…easy pickings ànd I am sure he feels safe in the box..
I think he is adorable.
Kim Harris says
Marianne, the mallwalkers clip was shown in the Chimpanzees in Need Campaign Zoom briefing. I know the briefing was being recorded and I think it will be posted on NAPSA’s website. Diana, can you confirm this?
Diana says
yes, thats right. we will be posting the recorded video to the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest YouTube channel soon.
marianne says
Great, thank you both
Nancy says
Love him!!!
Judy says
Could Gordo have difverticuli issues… maybe many tomato seeds caused a bit of a hiccup in his gut? Just my mustings since I’ve observed that in humans for whom I was caregiver. Love this post. Wonderful pics and a “window into Gordo” :). Thank you Diana.
Diana says
oh, interesting. I dont know. I haven’t heard of that in chimps, but they probably could be susceptible.
Susan says
I think the boxes help Gordo to feel safe and secure. Like a security blanket. He seems to need just a little more assurance than the others. He sure is a sweet guy!
Marya says
Ooohhh, I just adore this guy!! I think the same as Susan, that maybe being “contained” in a box helps him feel more secure, or perhaps helps him set a boundary with his food and other chimps. Whatever his very own reasons, I think it’s charming and it makes me smile every time I see him in this position. All he needs next is a nice blanket to put over his head while he’s in the box. What a charmer!