Burrito was trying to convince us in earnest today that we was completely fine and ready to get back into the mix of things, despite his very recent ordeal.
Dr. Erin gave the okay for him to spend some quiet time with Jody, who was eager to check out his recovery digs and see if there were any uneaten treats lying around. They greeted each other with enthusiasm, did their own thing for a while, groomed a bit, and then had a tickle session.
No one bounces back like Burrito. He is a man with more than seven lives. A being whose love of life will not be quashed or tarnished. Every adversity he faces, he comes back with more energy. He is the inspiration we all need. I don’t know why he is the way he is, but aren’t we all so lucky to know him.
Be sure to catch tomorrow’s blog post about Foxie’s 45th birthday celebration!