It felt like Spring today. The sun was out and there were virtually no clouds in the sky. Just like in Spring, Jamie and her group wanted onto Young’s Hill right away to finish their breakfast chow outside.
Jamie was really happy to enjoy her chow outside.
She really, really, really seemed to enjoy her chow outside.
But after her last bit of chow was finished, it was back to business. Jamie, Foxie, Annie, Missy, Jody, and Burrito patrolled their outdoor enclosure. On their way back, they were greeted by Negra, who was waiting for them on one of the platforms.
Though patrolling can be serious business, Missy and Annie chased each other all the way down.
As the others made their way back to the indoor enclosures, Foxie decided to get some alone time.
Burrito, on the other hand, was on a mission to find the last snow patch on Young’s Hill.
As they were heading inside, Missy tried to get a peek on her neighbors.
Unfortunately for Missy, her neighbors decided to be inside at the time. Honey B was grooming Willy B. It seemed like it was a sweet, tender moment between two friends. But as you know, these chimpanzees can rarely contain their shenanigans. This is demonstrated in this photo series:
Thinking about tickling Willy B.
Commence tickling!
Personally, my favorite part of capturing this sequence of events is you can almost see the shift in Honey B’s thought process. This tickle session lasted for a couple minutes before it turned into a pretty epic game of chase.
From our family to yours, we hope you have a great day!