Foxie is the youngest 40 year old I’ve ever known. In chimp years, she’s an old lady. But this old lady is a backflipping, pirouetting, chasing, wrestling whirlwind. She is happy and silly and loving and kind.
On the chimps’ birthdays, we do our best to make their days as joyous as possible, and Foxie’s day is easy to make. To put it simply, she loves dolls. (It might be more accurate to say she’s obsessed.) Supporters from all over have been mailing in dolls for months, and we saved them all up for today. I meant to count them this morning before we set up the party, but there had to be at least fifty: cheerleader trolls and monster trolls and bride and groom trolls and surfer trolls and rockstar trolls….
For this morning’s party we scattered apricots, apples, pears, figs, and raspberries in the greenhouse, and we poured fruit smoothie into troll doll heads (of course).
The smoothie trolls were a hit.
Missy, who took it upon herself to systematically undress all of the new troll dolls:
Burrito and Missy:
And the birthday girl:
And a bonus video of Foxie checking out some new dolls:
Happy Birthday, Fox. May you continue to shine bright.