When I look at pictures like these, I wonder what is going through the chimpanzee’s mind.
I wonder if Annie knows that her days full of anxiety are a thing of the past. I wonder if she knows the rest of her days at the sanctuary will be filled with moments when she can feel peaceful.
Does Missy know that she will never be confined to a space the size of a bathroom stall again? Does she know that for the rest of her days, she is free to run like the wind, climb as high as she can, and tightrope walk whenever she feels the need?
Does Negra know that Young’s Hill will be open for her to come and go as she pleases each and every day (as long as it is safe for the chimps to have access to the outdoor space)? And does she know, that for the rest of her days, whenever she looks up, she will be able to see the sky overhead?
Does Foxie know that her beloved dolls will never be taken from her (well, other than for cleaning)? Does she know that she will always have her companions as long as she wants them?
Does Jamie know this will always be her home to patrol and protect? And does she know that she will always be the one to call the shots?
Do they know their days used as test subjects in the lab and as entertainers are a thing of the past? Do they know they are now in their forever home, surrounded by a community of people (all around the world) who will continue to love and support them for the rest of their lives?
I can only hope each day they wake up knowing that the day is theirs to choose to do what they wish, whether it be running and leaping, resting, grooming, playing or gazing out of the windows to the valley below. I hope they wake up with a sense of hope and wonder for what the day may bring. And I hope that at the end of each day, they can close their eyes, knowing they are safe in the comfort of their forever sanctuary home.
Thank you to everyone who makes it possible for them to know their sanctuary home!
We will never know how many years it will take for them to feel safe but I believe that they sense they are on the outside of whatever they were confined to for the years before they came to the sanctuary! I don’t’ think they would be acting as they do (teasing, laughing, foraging, playing, etc.) if they thought they would have this taken away.
Very moving account Keri.
I truly believe they all know that what happened in the past is gone…they are amazing…beautiful pictures of these beautiful beings…
I only know these beautiful beings through the photos, videos, and lovely posts written about them. As a child I was taken to the zoo a couple times and I never liked it. There was one gorilla in a cage with eyes so sad that I still remember. I didn’t understand the point for having these and so many other animals in cages. I hope others take the pledge to not buy any products tested on animals. Look up “products not tested on animals” for personal care products and make up free of animal cruelty.
Keri, your pictures and your words mad me cry. You captured each chimp in beautiful pictures and you expressed the feelings I know we all knew, but just couldn’t put into such a beautiful verse.
Thank you so much ????????????????
Don’t know quite WHY, but this blog’s words and pictures brought tears to my eyes.
I too was deeply touched by your blog Keri — beautiful, visceral. Since I was so very fortunate to meet the chimpanzees in person I have to say I believe they know that Chimpanzee Sanctuary NW is their HOME and I believe they understand that they are safe and free from the horrors of the past. I saw it on their faces, in their eyes, and clearly in their body language — the Cle Elum Seven are content and secure in their surroundings. And there is no doubt that they trust and care for all of you! My guess is that each individual chimp handles it differently, and the past may ‘haunt’ some and memories and fears my linger in the recesses of their minds but I believe they do understand that everyday moving forward is full of HOPE and LOVE and safety and care.
I look forward to the day when CSNW can save more neglected biomedical subjects and introduce these new chimpanzees into your wonderful safe environment, your sanctuary HOME.
Beautifully said Keri. We can only hope that they do not think of the past much. Surely they must feel the peace of their surroundings now and the love of those around them.