It’s pretty easy to rack up 100 plus pictures of the chimpanzees throughout the course of a day. What’s not always easy is going through all of them, figuring out which ones to save and which ones to delete. Deleting the ones that are blurry or not quite in focus is pretty much a no-brainer. But, there are often times though, when I look through multiple pictures of the same chimp, doing the same exact thing and I just can’t decide which ones to keep. Each of those pictures has a slightly different angle or the lighting is just a little bit different or a different part of the face is in focus. And then, sometimes I just end up with great photos of the chimps, but they do not go along with the blog that I am writing.
So, today, I wanted to share with you some of my favorites of each of the chimps from the past few weeks that we haven’t shared on the blog yet.
I could never get enough! Thank you so very much!!
I know, looking at pictures of the chimps never gets tiring!! Glad you like them!
Amazing photos. Each of their personalities just shine through.
Hi Shelly. Yes, I too think their personalities are pretty evident in each of the photos. Glad you like them!
Wow, I think you need to do this once a week! I can’t help but study that very first photo of Annie. Her body, muscular structure of her thigh, and the position of her toes on the floor, amazing and beautiful to look at. Burrtio adorable as always, Foxie so small and dear, Jamie always such a presence, cozy nested Jody, Missy with her body still but her mind is moving!, and Negra sun drenched in happiness and green spring grass. Lovely out takes and thank you so much sharing them.
Hi Kathleen. I know, I love that first picture of Annie too! She gathered some of the nuts we put out as a forage yesterday morning and sat on the step to eat them. And she kept her toes on the floor like that the entire time she was eating. I see her sitting like that when she has some of the evening enrichment/puzzles she’s working on as well.
These are gorgeous pics!
Great pictures! How I love those wonderful faces!
Those are great pictures
What an incredible batch of photos! each one is amazing! Thank you for making my Monday morning a happy day!
Hi Jean. Glad to hear the photos brightened up your day!
I just saw these photos and they are wonderful. It was a private insight in to each chimp.
I am touched by Foxie and her love for her dolls (babies) At least she has them with her every day.
I thank you too as you made my Monday morning much nicer.
Thanks Sherry! I never get tired of looking at the photos and glad to know that you enjoyed them as well!
I don’t know how you did it but these pictures have a stillness and resonance that make them just wonderful and very revealing portraits. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you!
You could probably take pictures of them all day. Going through them to decide which to use would be the hard part. Thank you for sharing these. They are fascinating.