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ok, fine with me. You can be the boss. Unless that all for show I don’t think I’d want to get on her bad side.
I’m willing to bet that if Jamie were allowed to live the wild life she deserved, she would have been the lead/respected female of her community. Like the way she always uses her drums and buckets to enhance her display, she is fierce! You go Jamie!!
Jeani Goodrichsays
I love the puckered lips as Jamie starts gearing up and then just bearly, but always, getting out of the way of her own thrown barrels. You go Jamie girl!!! : )
sherry rogerssays
Does Jamie display at random even if the other chimps and the caregivers are behaving? Did someone upset her?
I realize she is reminding everyone she is in control, but if Jamie was in the wild, would she also be in control or would a male be the dominant member??
Good questions, Sherry. Dominance displays don’t necessarily depend on the behavior of anyone else. The chimps display whenever they feel inspired. 🙂 That said, there are certain situations in which displaying is more common: when the chimps are re-entering an enclosure after being shut out of it (for cleaning, for example), and when there is general excitement or arousal in the group (i.e. when another chimp is displaying or vocalizing).
It’s hard to imagine how the Cle Elum Seven’s personalities would have been different if they had lived in the wild, but knowing Jamie, it’s almost impossible to imagine a situation in which she wasn’t near the top of the hierarchy. She is just so intelligent and determined. In wild communities, though, male chimps rule. It’s been said that all adult males dominate all females, though I’m sure there are exceptions. The females have their own hierarchy, and I have to assume Jamie would be near the top.
Elaine Reiningersays
Looks like a temper tantrum to me. I’d be really scared even on the other side of the bars.
Hi Elaine! It does look a little like a temper tantrum, but displays are a bit different than temper tantrums. Displays are less emotional, and more strategic and purposeful. A chimpanzee who’s displaying isn’t usually saying, “I’m upset” or “I’m angry” – it’s more like “This is my territory, so watch out.”
And you’re right – displays can be very intimidating to watch. They’re meant to be! That’s why we are always separated from the chimpanzees by strong steel caging for our safety.
Peggy Smithsays
I’m happy to see this. It brings me joy to see her being so strong and fearless.
ok, fine with me. You can be the boss. Unless that all for show I don’t think I’d want to get on her bad side.
I’m willing to bet that if Jamie were allowed to live the wild life she deserved, she would have been the lead/respected female of her community. Like the way she always uses her drums and buckets to enhance her display, she is fierce! You go Jamie!!
I love the puckered lips as Jamie starts gearing up and then just bearly, but always, getting out of the way of her own thrown barrels. You go Jamie girl!!! : )
Does Jamie display at random even if the other chimps and the caregivers are behaving? Did someone upset her?
I realize she is reminding everyone she is in control, but if Jamie was in the wild, would she also be in control or would a male be the dominant member??
Good questions, Sherry. Dominance displays don’t necessarily depend on the behavior of anyone else. The chimps display whenever they feel inspired. 🙂 That said, there are certain situations in which displaying is more common: when the chimps are re-entering an enclosure after being shut out of it (for cleaning, for example), and when there is general excitement or arousal in the group (i.e. when another chimp is displaying or vocalizing).
It’s hard to imagine how the Cle Elum Seven’s personalities would have been different if they had lived in the wild, but knowing Jamie, it’s almost impossible to imagine a situation in which she wasn’t near the top of the hierarchy. She is just so intelligent and determined. In wild communities, though, male chimps rule. It’s been said that all adult males dominate all females, though I’m sure there are exceptions. The females have their own hierarchy, and I have to assume Jamie would be near the top.
Looks like a temper tantrum to me. I’d be really scared even on the other side of the bars.
Hi Elaine! It does look a little like a temper tantrum, but displays are a bit different than temper tantrums. Displays are less emotional, and more strategic and purposeful. A chimpanzee who’s displaying isn’t usually saying, “I’m upset” or “I’m angry” – it’s more like “This is my territory, so watch out.”
And you’re right – displays can be very intimidating to watch. They’re meant to be! That’s why we are always separated from the chimpanzees by strong steel caging for our safety.
I’m happy to see this. It brings me joy to see her being so strong and fearless.