Age: 42ish…Her exact birthday is unknown since she was captured in the wild, presumably in 1973, although she could be older than that. We celebrate her birthday on June 13 each year, which is the anniversary of her and the other chimpanzees’ arrival to the sanctuary.
Nicknames: Neggie, Queen Negra
Favorite foods: Peanuts, lettuce, fresh spring grass
What she is known for: elaborate blanket nests (usually with one pulled over her) and clapping during meals.
Distinguishing physical characteristics: Her round “Buddha” belly, dark freckles on her face and she is missing half of her left ear (we do not know how this happened; she arrived to the sanctuary this way).
Favorite things to do: napping, resting, sleeping
Personality: wise, dignified, cranky
Other: she likes her caregivers to dance for her!
Click here to read more about Negra’s story before coming to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest and here to see how she has changed since then.
Indearing qualities: Her head nod to ecknowledge your presence. And she gives the best kisses (through the caging). I miss you Neggie.
Negra is so special … ????
Love the name Neggie. I hate to think of her years in a research wonder she likes to be underneath a blanket. So happy she is finally in a safe and caring place with love and friends. She is beautiful ear and all.
Didn’t realize the chimps arrived on St. Anthony’s Day — June 13th.
Although St. Francis is patron saint for all animals (and I have two statutes – front & back lawn) I also have a St. Anthony statute b/c that was my dad’s given name.
The saints are overlooking the chimps …. Thank you St. Anthony & St. Francis….
A beautiful thought!
Love you Negra !!
side note : she makes my heart flutter with a simple glance at a photo of her, and in person, she melted my entire heart — especially when she clapped for Nut Bags. I love you Negra.
(I love where you are going with these past 2 posts!) : )
All of these chimpanzees have such an innocence about them. So thankful she is so well cared for.
Thank you for all the information about our Neggie, Queen Negra. I’m so happy to hear that she has started walking up Youngs Hill to sit contently in the tall grass for a little snack. What a beautiful picture. ????????. Love to all ????????????