Chimpanzees can be loud. When they’re calm, they’re silent, but as soon as there’s any excitement in the group, you’ll hear a chorus of pant hoots or food grunts or screams.
Nothing says excitement at the sanctuary like meal time. In addition to the usual food grunts and food squeaks, you might hear attention-getting sounds like Foxie blowing raspberries, Burrito banging the caging, or Negra clapping her hands imperiously to tell the meal server to kindly hurry up.
But the after-dinner night bags we serve each evening have a way of bringing peace and quiet to the scene. As soon as everyone has their night bag, silence descends, and the only thing you hear is the crunching of the nuts and seeds. This is my favorite time of day.
A nice way to end the day.
I just LOVE your night bag routine! And I love to hear the chimps quietly munching and crunching away. Thanks for this sweet video, made my night!
That’s my favourite time as well! Love listening to them enjoying their treats. Thank you for this!
Goes to show how important routine is for the chimps, just like people. It gives them a sense of security, that all is right with the world. And don’t they deserve that!? Thank you for giving it to them!!
how nice…
Its such a delight to hear the chimps enjoying their night bags,~
it never gets tiring or boring for them,
night bags are new experience to them every night, they’re Epic~