The men of CSNW took a play break today.
Archives for February 11, 2016
Messages from Annie, Burrito, and Foxie
Thank you to everyone who has been Sharing the Chimp Love this week! I am so happy to be ordering donor-selected custom photos and sending out other Share the Love gifts to those who have donated at the different levels.
I am especially in love with these bookmarks and card that supporter and graphic designer Kathleen Corby designed just for this year’s Valentine’s Day.
Did you receive the e-newsletter yesterday? Have you shared the What happens when… video yet?
If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you’ve probably seen these messages from Annie, Burrito, and (from this morning) Foxie:
How can you resist those three?!
We are over $7,000 towards our goal of raising $12,000 by the end of the day on Valentine’s Day.
If you haven’t already, please share the love by donating and sharing the above video and Share the Chimp Love images – help us reach the goal for this campaign and get us one step closer to the future of expanding the family!