What a gorgeous day it turned out to be; not too hot, not too cold and not too windy. That’s a pretty good combination for spending time on Young’s Hill (the chimpanzees’ 2-acre outdoor enclosure) if you’re Negra chimpanzee. She tends to be pretty particular about when she chooses to venture out onto the hill and how long she will spend out there.
So, we took advantage of the great weather and set up a lunch forage on the hill. All of the chimpanzees spent quite a bit of time foraging. Some focused on gathering their favorite food items and eating those first, while others went more for the “sampler menu.” Lunch consisted of green onions, red cabbage, potatoes, green beans and primate chow.
As you can see in the following pictures, green onions were a big hit with Negra, Missy, Jamie and Annie.
Jamie and Annie (in the background).
Burrito. Both he and Jody had their mouths and hands full of an assortment of food items.
And Foxie carried around two troll dolls in her mouth after she was done foraging. One of them was the same doll she carried yesterday.