Out of the seven chimpanzees here at the sanctuary, Jody is the one most likely to forage for native plants on Young’s Hill, earning her the title of “Jody the Harvester.” Throughout the summer there are a variety of plants to choose from. However, during this time of the year, there really are no green plants growing on the hill other than the bamboo that we have planted. Even though we serve the chimps fresh fruit and vegetables each day, Jody still likes to have a little snack in between meals.
Shortly after we opened the door to Young’s Hill this morning, Jody was quick to check out what it looked like outside. Timing could not have been more perfect. There was a glimmer of sunshine peeking through a miniscule hole in the clouds. And, it wasn’t raining. She went out onto the hill and came back with this piece of bamboo to munch on.
She looks so happy with her find! Thrills me to see all of them enjoying life.
Jodie so cute and pretty, eating her little snack of bamboo. . .
-found this blog because I followed Sanctuary link in a comment under the “Bestest Buddies: Orangutan and Hound Dog” YouTube vid . . . good deal that I did, thx
Beautiful portraits of Jody! Thank you.