Jody loves plants, of all varieties. In the wild, chimpanzees are known as “frugivores” meaning the majority of their diet is made up of fruit. But they also supplement with leaves, bark, pith, seeds, nuts, honey, ants, termites, and in some communities they will even hunt small mammals. Though Jody loves the fresh produce we offer, she also likes to supplement throughout the day with plants.
Sometimes she forages for native plants that grow wild on Young’s Hill:
or she also loves to munch on bamboo that we have planted in the greenhouse and on Young’s Hill:
and other times she likes to collect plants we put out as a forage. The other day she collected some pea tendrils from our garden:
Today she found a mouthful of cattails and took them inside to enjoy at her leisure:
(and she even found some leftover pea tendrils from the other day, too!)
It’s so wonderful to see the chimps enjoying life.
Her whole being exudes presence. I really enjoy looking at her eyes. Would love to do a few paintings one day and donate some of the monies to the chimps at your sanctuary.
Go Jody!
Cheryl, that would be wonderful, we would love to see your work! If you are interested in donating a painting for a future auction or want to help with any other fundraising idea, please send Diana an email ([email protected]) and thank you for thinking of Jody and the rest of the Cle Elum Seven!
Does she eat all the things she collects?
Yes, she does! Sometimes she wadges the stems or skips them entirely, but the leafy parts are a yummy treat 🙂
It quite wonderful to see Jody doing what comes naturally and instinctively,
I absolutely enjoy and love to see and feel JODY , living her life thoroughly.. on Youngs’ Hill,
she arrived from the lab 6 yrs ago as a VERY pale, frightened, skinny, depressed and TORMENTED little girl who had suffered so much,,
Throughout the years Jody as well as the other 6 chimps have EVOLVED, and TRANSFORMED ..
Ive found JODY 3 yrs ago, on facebook video eating a sunflower .. I was still grieving my fathers passing, my father use to ENJOY planting and caring..and eating Sunflowers from our backyard Italian garden.thus hence forward, Ive been in love with Jody, she certainly has found her own way on Youngs Hill,
Jody is testament to life after the labs,
CSNW sanctuary has given these chimps such an INCREDIBLE life with acres of fun to explore, Jody looks so healthy now. She lives every day to it s fullest, Chimps are Champions, Chimps are Victors .
Once victims of weird, disgusting, inhumane, ugly science.. to a life of mountain hills, fresh clean air, green grass, CLEAN environment, clean healthy in door spaces, incredible, wonderful committed professional caring staff who have devote their lives to them. from one extreme to the other, these chimps have seen it all, csnw, surely agrees with them all, Life is GOOD, Jody feel good, this is what matters, The Chimps look and feel great, and they will live in peace and safety forever now,