We have a lot to be thankful for at CSNW. Our supporters are truly wonderful people who share a passion for the chimps. Whether it’s sending us a fun package, or sponsoring a day, or participating in the Holiday Chimpanzee Pal contest, it all helps.
Here’s some gifts we received yesterday. Syd and Diane sent us a big box with toys for the chimps, including a pinata for Annie—and guess what? She went straight for it!
Foxie also got a whole bunch of new dolls from volunteer Jeani, and she was pretty happy about that.
Burrito got this cute little wooden car toy that he was excited about, too.
I wasn’t able to get very many good photos of the chimps with all of the gifts, but I can tell you that they really loved it. In the spirit of Thanksgiving this week, I want to say thanks to our supporters for all you do for us!