Every day, we clean the chimpanzees’ enclosures to make sure they can enjoy a nice and tidy home. This is what occupies a large portion of a caregiver’s day—and it takes a lot of elbow grease, but we are happy to do it! As you can imagine we go through cleaning supplies pretty quickly. Some of the items we are frequently in need of are gloves, dish soap (which is what we use to scrub the floors), disinfectant, garbage bags, and miscellaneous tools like scrubber pads or bottle brushes (perfect for scrubbing enrichment).
Volunteer Becca cleans the upstairs story of the playroom
I try to keep our Amazon Wishlist updated frequently when we start to run low on these things, for those folks that like to help us out with in-kind donations. Check out the list—right now there’s a bunch of supplies marked as the “highest priority,” but it is always changing. Sometimes we have enrichment items for the chimps like Kong puzzles or sturdy plastic toys, or food items like peanut butter, soymilk, or tea.
NOTE: Amazon does not send us information about who purchased the wonderful gifts for us, so if you choose to send us something from the list (whether it’s today or anytime in the future) please let me know at [email protected] and we’ll be sure to send you a thank you! If you have any other questions about things on the Wishlist please feel free to send me an email.