Today the chimpanzees enjoyed a party sponsored by Felicity Wood and Redfin! The chimpanzees enjoyed lots of new enrichment to include a giant Lego castle and a fabulous red and white themed food forage. While the chimps are always up for a party, Jamie in particular seemed to enjoy today and much to our delight she found countless projects to engage in throughout the afternoon. And if you aren’t already aware, finding something to enrich Jamie is no small feat.
Here Debbie realizes her dream of adult size Legos as Jamie helps her with the directions to building the castle:
The finished result of Jamie and Debbie’s hard work and two amazing house pinatas:
Here’s Jamie investigating the castle:
Annie checking out a giant red crayon:
Jody as her beautiful self:
Jamie enjoying a cranberry raspberry “cocktail”:
Annie investigating a new bowling set:
Thank you so much for your time and effort in giving the chimpanzees a fun and interesting day, Redfin!