I happen to know that Monica, who sponsored today in honor of the chimpanzees and her cat Ozzie, is a big Duran Duran fan. So, in addition to the party we threw for the chimps full of gorgeous and delicious food, we printed out a few photos that we thought Monica might appreciate. I didn’t expect Burrito to pose so perfectly and had to share this one right away. Happy Love a Chimpanzee Day, Monica!
Kathy Haydel says
thank you Monica, for sponsoring the chimps a day, Burrito did it up for you. He is so wise , in fact all of them are.
marie cross (uk) says
thats brilliant and made us both laugh Pete says is Mr B now Burrito Le Bon , hape you have a lovely day Monica xxx
Candy (Tyler, TX) says
That’s very funny, you two, Burrito Le Bon, what a hoot!
Monica says
That is so wonderful!!!! Thank you everyone. I hope the chimps had a great day!!!1
Paula says
What a wonderful way to acknowledge Monica’s generosity to these chimps on HER birthday: I’m sure this was her best-est gift ever!!