I don’t think I’ve ever seen Missy color before, but today she marched over to a box of crayons sitting on the platform, carried them to a goodie bag, pulled a coloring book out, peeled two crayons, and started to color. “Like” Missy on Facebook and you can see the pics!
Archives for April 24, 2011
Happy Bunny Day
The chimps are having a great day thanks to their extended human family. The always stellar Robbi made wonderful Easter goodie bags filled with new toys and volunteers Stephanie and Katelyn arrived this morning with all sorts of edible treats. We stuffed plastic eggs with nuts and berries and scattered them around the greenhouse instead of serving breakfast, so the chimps spent all morning foraging and snacking. Supporters Lisa and Crystal Grillo have a tradition of making great food on this day and wanted to share that tradition with the chimps, so dinner is on them! Food grunts to Lisa and Crystal!
Chimps in Labs report
We are lucky that we are able to see and share “the other side of the story” of the Cle Elum Seven chimpanzees. But we never forget where they came from and we never forget about the over 1,000 chimpanzees still in biomedical research facilities.
Today, an excellent set of articles came out about the use of chimpanzees in biomedical research and the issue of the Alamogordo Primate Facility chimpanzees whose fate is still uncertain after receiving a temporary reprieve from their transfer to what is now called the Texas Biomedical Research Institute. Please read the series of articles in McClatchy by Chris Adams here: www.mcclatchydc.com/chimps
If you’ve been following this story on our blog and e-newsletters (just search for “Alamogordo” in the search box to the right), you know that Jody’s son Levi was already transferred to the biomedical facility. Among the 186 chimpanzees whose fate is depending on the decision of the NIH officials examining the issue is Negra’s daughter Heidi (pictured below), Foxie’s son David, and Jody’s daughter April.
This is a crucial time for not just the Alamogordo chimpanzees, but all laboratory chimpanzees. The bill to outlaw the use of chimpanzees in invasive biomedical research in the United States was recently reintroduced as the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act.
Learn more about this bill and how to help: Project R&R
For more on the Alamogordo Primate Facility chimpanzees: Retire the Chimps