The other day I was trying to impress upon someone just how strong chimpanzees are, when Jamie decided to make my case for me. She swung across the ceiling of the outdoor enclosure (this arm to arm swinging is called brachiating), and proceeded to hang upside down for a while, just because she could. While this is totally normal chimp behavior, it is quite amazing considering that Jamie has been locked in small cages for decades, with no way to practice this behavior or exercise in any way. Imagine the inherent strength she must possess to swing so effortlessly after so many years of confinement…
Archives for September 3, 2008
Missy’s new blanket
Here is a video from the first day outside. One of our board members, Zibby Wilder, brought a blanket made by her grandmother specifically for Missy. The video is Missy taking the small pink blanket and nesting with it, Jamie coming over to perch on a boat bumper, Missy being overcome by the urge to chase Annie, and Foxie stomping around on the deck. Foxie’s stomping is something she did when the chimpanzees went into the play area for the first time – I wonder if Angie would do the same thing.