Negra surprised us this morning by spending quite a bit of time foraging on the hill.
Then, instead of going back to bed for the rest of the day, she spent some time lounging in the greenhouse with the rest of the gang.
But by mid-afternoon, bed was calling, and she retreated to her nest with a view of the kitchen so that she could keep an eye on dinner preparations. And every few minutes, she would ever-so-thoughtfully bang on the window cage behind her to remind us that she was indeed still alive, but that there was no guarantee that she would continue in that state if dinner didn’t arrive soon.
By the way, if you live in the Seattle area and listen to KIRO radio, keep an ear out for interviews conducted this morning with Co-Director Diana Goodrich and Volunteer Lizz Stewart for Rachel Belle’s Ring my Belle. If you don’t catch it, we’ll post a link as soon as it is available online.