Annie is the second oldest chimpanzee at the sanctuary. She will turn 50 years old in September! She is low-ranking in her group, as she is very timid. She doesn’t want to upset Jamie, the alpha, by stepping out of line.
Annie’s best friend is Missy, but she also is often near Burrito. Although, Burrito is her shadow when she is swelling so that’s not necessarily her choice to be near him 24/7. Annie is a calm, quiet female chimpanzee but very sensitive. She hates drama and conflicts with her group members, although conflicts are perfectly normal in chimpanzee society.
Annie loves all foods and eats just about anything. She is one of the least-picky eaters we have around here!
One of my favorite things about Annie is how she bipedally walks through the grass. She bends her long-arms so the grass doesn’t touch her and then uses her arms to help move her along. It makes me laugh just about every time.
Annie makes bird-sounds with her mouth and hand when she is resting peacefully.
Annie isn’t super human-oriented, but she is very sweet to her caregivers and will offer them a kiss from time-to-time or a gentle hand touch.
Kelsi and Cy:
Raspberries are growing! Jamie’s favorite time of year.
Terry and Willy B: