Brief description: These are a fun puzzle/forage enrichment that combines multiple elements of your enrichment program. Chimps can spend a lot of time looking through bags to discover what’s inside.
Materials: Paper grocery size bags and assorted toys and food puzzle enrichment. You could substitute other kinds of bags or boxes if available and approved in enrichment program.
Assembly instructions: No assembly required, depending on what you add to the bags
How to use: Fill bags with an assortment of clothing, paper, and toys. Add a food puzzle or two such as Kongs, peanut butter magazines, pine cones, etc. Add crumpled paper (maybe smear a bit of peanut butter on some of the paper). Smear some peanut butter on the toys you added and sprinkle a handful of nuts or seeds in the bag, hiding more inside the toys and clothing. You can get pretty creative with this!
Price: Depends on other items you add to the bags. You can use recycled grocery bags.