Nestled in her greenhouse, Foxie and her baby doll are sharing a quiet moment with us today. Just us, the warm air (from the heater), and the gentle rustle of leaves – sometimes the simplest moments are the sweetest, so enjoy this moment of zen
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Sabrina 14 Comments
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
I may have inquired about this before, but, I would like to know whether Foxie’s attachment to dolls is the result of her having had her, own, babies taken, away from her in the lab?
I read her biography on this site. It said she had 4 babies who were taken away from her. Sad isn’s it. I bet she would have been awonderful mother.
In an interview with the local TV station years ago, they said only she knows. But they obviously provide her with some comfort and that’s all we need to know. That they make her happy, and we can help make that happen.
Indeed, we can never say for sure. Most chimpanzees who were born in laboratories had their children taken from them, and they haven’t all gravitated towards dolls, but, for Foxie, it does seem there is a mothering instinct that is part of her desire to interact with dolls.
I was just thinking the same thing.
So touching. We all love you Foxie and baby/s
We human primates, being the very crown of Creation, have always treated our (obviously) lesser primate cousins with such compassion, now haven’t we?…
Sabrina, you nailed it. Sometimes the simplest moments are the sweetest, and seeing dear Foxie and her doll is pretty darn sweet. I love all the life in her eyes. And I’d almost forgotten how Foxie rubs her dolls on her belly.
A quiet moment, maybe of a painful memory for her, but also the sheer joy she might feel just holding something close. Indeed, a very poignant moment.
Sharing an old local news tv spot
Shating an old local news tv spot
sorry that was “sharing”
Foxie with the camera poke! I just love seeing her spending some quiet time with her dollies. Nothing sweeter.
Beautiful Foxie, beautiful moment.
Other: I’ve just read a funny article about “synchronized peeing” among captive chimps (Kumamoto Sanctuary), I wonder if you have ever noticed similar contagious behaviour at CSNW.