I thought it would be a good time for another quick update on our reintroduction process (see an initial overview here, and a previous update here).
Actually, there’s not much in the way of news to report. We are still holding steady with Gordo and Honey B in one group and everyone else in the reintro group. The reason for remaining so long in this stage is that while Willy has shown glimmers of improvement, his tendencies are right there at the simmering point, ready to boil over as soon as his enabler (Honey B) rejoins the group. So we’re not rushing anything.
What has Willy been doing? For the most part, it’s his usual combination of obnoxious displays that persist until they result in a fight and the occasional (but now far less common) bullying of poor Terry. At their current frequency and level of severity, they are tolerable. And Willy has actually faced more frequent consequences, which could potentially be a good thing. On two occasions, the group had enough of his behavior and they went after him, with only Willy B’s idol and savior, Cy, defending him. Willy walked away humbled, if only temporarily, with some scratches and bites to keep for a while as souvenirs of his encounters. For most chimpanzees, these would be learning opportunities but Willy is not known to be a quick study.
But back to those glimmers. On one occasion, when Willy was beginning one of his intimidation campaigns towards Terry, Terry ran right to Willy B and hugged him. That put an end to it. Could Terry learn to do that again? And would it continue to stop Willy in his tracks? Submissive behavior has never worked for Terry before so maybe awkward hugs are the key. I know they would work on me.
One of our next steps will be to sub Terry out for Gordo to see if Willy fixates exclusively on intimidating Terry or if, without Terry present, he would exhibit the same behavior towards Gordo. That would tell us something about where to go next.
You’ll notice from these descriptions that problematic group dynamics are rarely the result of one actor alone. There are dozens of chimp bullies out there and their group mates somehow manage to coexist with them (see: Jamie). And there are plenty of insecure chimpanzees in the world, who eventually manage to find their place in a group (see: Annie). For Willy, it’s a lack of status and sense of security combined with bullying tendencies combined with a target that overreacts combined with an overly protective alpha male combined with an enabler that likes to kick butt and ask questions later. So while you could say that Willy B is ultimately responsible, kick out just one of the legs that props this whole pattern up and you might have a different outcome entirely.
Now imagine all the potential solutions that these causes present and you’ll see why it’s such a difficult problem to solve. Perhaps Willy would just be happier in a smaller group. OK, but who would be forced to live with him? And would they be happier in a smaller group or would they suffer the missed friendships and the lack of community that larger groups provide? Maybe Willy just can’t live peacefully with Terry. Or maybe Honey B is just too bad of an influence on Willy. Which one of the three of them gets kicked out of the group and leaves their friends behind?
If the thought of Willy living alone as a possible solution crossed your mind, I understand. I know some readers still hold him responsible for the injuries Burrito received in an earlier intro attempt (the greatest trick Honey B ever played was to convince the world that Willy was responsible…). But as a staunch disbeliever in free will, who will happily annoy anyone within earshot of this opinion, I can only view Willy as a victim himself — of his upbringing, of his brain chemistry, of his circumstances — who deserves break, too. So we’ll keep experimenting with different reintro groupings, new behavioral medications, novel enrichment interventions, and so on, with the hope that we can find something that works for everyone.
On a lighter note, and the reason for this blog title: You have to appreciate Rayne for her ability to put a guy in his place.
I absolutely love this! Thank you for this inside view into chimp “politics”. I guess just like people, no one is all good or all bad.
Oh poor Willy B. I hope you can find a solution for him, hate for him or any of them to be seperated from their group.
I assume in the wild someone ( Willy B/Honey B/Terry) would be run out of the group.
Possibly, yes – or worse. It’s just as likely that they would have been able to learn social rules to a sufficient degree having been raised in a natural community instead of a lab.
J.B., as always, informative and interesting. Thanks for posting this great clip of Rayne and Willy B. LOL.
Another very illuminating look at chimp politics and behaviour, JB. Like you, although he causes problems, I feel he needs a break. It’s always surprised me that you don’t have more of them with behavioral problems, given the start in their lives that they all endured. And at Willy’s age, it’s difficult to retrain him as you could maybe do with a younger chimp. But it’s so heartwarming to hear of all your ideas and knowledge going into trying to get him to fit a bit more. If only we could know for certain which aspects have made him this way…. I guess that’s why there is still so much research and studying still happening, so many years on from Dr Goodall…….will we ever know for certain? Perhaps the times that he’s showing his ‘other’ side redeem him enough for your continued help? Good luck!
Sometimes when I get frustrated with chimps, humans, or other animals I try to remind myself that diversity in temperment, attitude, etc. within a species is a feature and not a bug. Without diversity, we animals wouldn’t be able to adapt to changing environments and therefore none of us would be here to worry about it. So I think there will always be Willy Bs among us, and there will always be therapists, psychologists, and sociologists to try to help them and us figure out how to live together.
Without the Willy Bs, Honey Bs, and even Jamies, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the Maves, Burritos, and Raynes as much as we do.
José Martí said,”…all, like diamond, is first carbon (coal) first, then light.”
I do not wish to see Willy have to live alone. As we know, chimpanzees are distinctly social animals, and long-term social isolation creates profound psychological damage to them. However, it may be the case that some of the chimps may need to be rotated in and out of Willy and Beans’ respective troops so that they can re-establish their bonds with each other.
As for Raynie putting her foot down on Willy, how appropriate her gesture is on this day of infamy, this day of shame when, in another Washington, another bully was restored to a throne.
Tobin, you sure nailed both situations with your insightful comments. I couldn’t have put it better myself.:sparkling_heart:?
Rayne, you rock girl. Thanks JB for thoroughly explaining all the steps necessary for a peaceful reintroduction for everyone involved. It may take more time but it seems like it’s heading in the right direction. It is a good example of how CSNW carefully handles situations like Willy’s through observation and planning.
Thank you for keeping us updated on the ongoing trials and tribulations of Willy B et al. This is quite a conundrum and you’ve made it clear, it is going to take a long time and a lot creativity and patience on your end. The good news is, when days get tough and you feel Willy B is stuck in a position that he can’t change or grow from, you can call in Mighty Rayne for a good old fashioned foot stomp on the head to make Willy chuckle and come back to earth. (And I never even imagined, not once, that my Pal Willy B injured Burrito. Now Honey B….the thought did cross my mind but I decided I’d choose to be blind on the issue. In my eyes, all are innocent in the matter and that goes for Honey B, too.) ?
Thanks for sharing this info J.B. in what looks like a tricky “reintroduction” process with these disparate Chimpanzee personalities. I think Rayne gave a very definite message to poor Willy B with that foot..These informative videos make us aware that you need to be ahead of the game ensuring that harmony reigns. Easier said than done.
Oh my, how kind of Rayne to see that coming, and take time from her lunch to keep the peace for everyone!
Some much-needed humor on a dark day…so timely! (it’s not on YouTube, though?)
I don’t know that Honry B tricked anyone, I just remember that you said you couldn’t tell from security cams who was the instigator of The Big One, and I took your word for it. It was always at the back of my mind. I’ll keep watching with interest as this plays out…it almost seems like the only safe bet is Honey B and Willy B together in a space with a blue scooter….jic.
Maybe not so safe for Willy. We all know how well HB can wield that that scooter!
ergo the “jic”:smile: