Some days there just isn’t quite that perfect thread of words to tie all your photos together. Today is one of those days.
We give the chimpanzees gum as a cavity fighting treat. Here’s Dora savoring the sugar free chewing gum on her lip:
Majestic Rayne:
Rather than stirring up some group tension this afternoon, Willy B decided to join Terry and Rayne for a long grooming session in the greenhouse. Here he is looking a little more angelic than is perhaps his norm.
Well, Anna, you have to take those quiet days when they come!
Im looking forward to the update on results of the reintegration. But for today- he was good!
Does the gum ever get stuck in someone’s fur?
Not that I’ve ever seen. They chew it for a while and then swallow it.
Thanks, Anna. Well, I guess if it did, there’s certainly enough people there to help them pick it out :laughing:
I’m so rooting for Willy B. Remember in the early days, even though never touching grass before, his courage in venturing outside, eventually touching and then walking on the grass. Glad he hung out and groomed today. Go. Willy B. Go!
I am, very, curious as to why the chimps, initially, did not thnk that the gum was food, and, swallow, it?
Good question. Maybe their food-peering expertise taught thrm the caregivers don’t swallow it.
They do eventually swallow it after chewing it for a bit.
One less thing to clean!
Just look at that innocent, perfectly behaved boy! Who would believe the other side of his personality???
I think the theme could be three perfectly contented chimps on a Thursday. So nice hearing Willy B enjoyed some quiet grooming time with Terry and his friend Rayne. Sounds like progress.
Came back to your post this morning for another peek at that lovely picture of Willy B. He is looking exceptionally handsome, but, does he look angelic or does he look a little bit like the cat that swallowed the canary? 🙂
Definitely the cat. lol
Ha! I had a good laugh at your comment. “here he is looking a little more angelic than is the norm. “