Today Cy opted to skip the usual lunch service and instead take in some fresh air and sun on the Bray.
Rayne, to no one’s surprise, was also up for an adventure.
Many of their friends followed suit (right after they ate their meals of course)…
Fluffy Terry (still working on some of his lunch):
Willy B tried to work up the confidence to walk in the shallow snow but didn’t quite have it in him.
Lucky shows him how it’s done:
This is the best he could do today. Maybe next time!:
Hi, Anna!
So glad to see them getting out and about!
Did Rayne get on that platform by going up the pole and not the stairs? I can’t wait until their trees grow, she’ll enjoy that!
Yes! The posts are a common way for the chimps to access the structures. It’s amazing to see them climb them. She’s gotten a lot of practice with the posts for the “crow’s nest” structures!
Cy, Ryne, and Lucky act as if they are true Pacific NW natives. It must make you feel good to see the gang choosing to head out on a cold sunny day to explore the Bray. Cy’s group has come so far. And while Rayne and Lucky take to the snowy Bray with ease, I am cheering on Willy B because I believe he’ll overcome his trepidation and take to the snow in his own time.
It’s soooo gratifying for us to see them choose to explore.
So good and gratifying to see the chimps out and about exploring their snowy domain even though Willy B was a little more hesitant, but what happens if one (or more) of the chimps refuse to come inside. Can they actually stay outside all night if they choose or does curfew apply?
So good and gratifying to see the chimps out and about exploring their snowy domain even though Willy B was a little more hesitant, but what happens if one (or more) of the chimps refuse to come inside. Can they actually stay outside all night if they choose or does curfew apply?
I think technically they could, but they would miss dinner and the heated floors to sleep on. 🙂
It’s funny, I have wondered about this, because at Save The Chimps in Florida, I believe that they have some who do like to sleep outside. I always wonder, because they live a little islands, and I would be worried about alligators and snakes, which seem to find their way into just about every waterway in Florida.
Oh, yes, Linda,snakes and alligators would certainly present a huge threat and not just to those beloved Florida chimps. Still, I guess Save the Chimps have got that angle covered- as much as they can anyway. As for our CSNW darlings, yes, you’re spot on in that their warm indoor nests and the thought of their delicious meals would be an inducement to head indoors and leave that snow outside.
Still, I do remember that there were a few days when will it be first started going outside that he would take naps out there. and that’s something that the other group has never done as far as I know. so I think that’s pretty cool
We do ask that the chimpanzees come in at night, at least to the greenhouses, and the humans do not leave until that happens. That policy has resulted in some later evenings in the summer with Jamie not allowing the door to Young’s Hill to be closed, but generally the chimps want to be safe and snug indoors and do not object to the outdoor habitats being off limits until morning.
Who could forget “sunset drag racing” with Jamie!?