The video pretty much says it all.
No, that’s not true.
I’m sure J.B. will have more to share about the Terry and Gordo switch tomorrow!
I know some people are having trouble accessing our videos when clicking on the embedded videos on the blog. For some reason, YouTube has decided to ask people to sign in to their accounts to access videos. I guess it’s a known issue. If you are having trouble, here’s a link to watch the video directly on YouTube:
I’m also curious what happens if I include the video here instead of through our top posting system, so here it is:
Are Beans and Terry friends? If Terry’s playface us any indication…
They are friends most of the time, though that doesn’t prevent Honey B from getting angry at him on occasion!
they are having a great time and they look so happy!
Lovely, happy laughter and play faces. Honey B was determined that she was going to wrap Terry’s head up! It was interesting to see the difference in their size too…’s sometimes difficult to judge when they’re all together in a big heap or spread out over the playroom. I notice that there were no toys or enrichment though??
She did seem quite intent on covering his head with the towell :). The enrichment for the day must have been spread around upstairs, which is why you didn’t see any in these clips!
Big flirt Honey B has Terry wrapped around her finger. He was so into her in this play session. Fun to see them so involved in one another for quite a long time.
This play session is epic! Delightful!! Teeny Tiny Terry (who looks big next to Honey B!) never stopped smiling and laughing. Not. For. One. Instant. Hope Gordo slips right in with big group without ruffling anyone’s feathers. 😉
YouTube is doing this everywhere but not consistently. (Just enough to be irritating.) If you end up being blocked when you try to play a video, refresh the page, then instead of hitting the play arrow, click on the words “YouTube” at the bottom on the video. This will open the video on the YouTube site where you should be able to view without any issue.
It was epic! I decided not to edit it much at all.
Thank you for that hack to get around being blocked when trying to watch a video!!
I’ve had no issues with the videos, Diana.
Oh, Honey B. Someone is grooming you, and you sit there, playing with a scarf and lost in your own thoughts.
Sweet Terry, never change, you big ol’ weirdo!
That’s good to know you haven’t had problems! I wonder if it’s because you are logged into YouTube already when you access the blog.
Terry’s big ol’ play face speaks for itself! They’re having a ball, although I have to admit HB’s poker face cracks me up.
Love seeing Teeny Tiny Terry on a play date with Honey B, they’re obviously so happy being back together and making the most of every second.
I think Honey B could get used to being a princess and getting all the attention of her underling…..and quiet time when she wants it..
I think you are right. Though, I suspect that Dora misses her!
What a sweet fun and funny play session! That was wonderful. I’m still smiling.