Today the chimps received a package of wood wool to investigate! Wood wool is made from log slivers and is often used as a packaging material. Apparently, it also makes an excellent novel chimp enrichment. Watch the video above to see who made a wood wool nest!
P.S. if anyone has a lead on how to get recycled wood wool in large quantities, we are all ears!
Thank you to Pamela N. for purchasing the wood wool during our Comfort and Joy Auction.
Also, thank you to Kathy S. who donated this cuddly avocado cow that went out in today’s enrichment:
Marie says
I’ve noticed a lot of zoos use it…..add it to you Wish List:santa::grin:
Gabby says
Woodland Park Zoo uses wood wool exclusively for orangutan bedding/nesting, having switched from hay at least five years ago,
I don’t know what the purchasing entity is within the zoo, but they would know how to acquire it at volume.
Linda C says
Hi, Anna!
Yes, I’ve noticed the gorillas and bonobos at Twycross Zoo in England go nuts over it!
I thought for sure it would have been Beezus nesting in it.
Kathleen says
What a fun way to find your seeds and veggies! Looks like Cy was really enjoying the process. Rayne knows how to get cozy. Hummm, speaking of cozy, I wonder what Negra would think of a wood wool nest?!
Thank you Pamela and Kathy!
Marie says
Try saying Wood Wool 5 Xs …:rofl::rofl::rofl:Fast
Tobin says
I only got as far as saying “woo-woo”…
Linda C says
I ferl like it would have been a Jody or Burtito (for playing). I’ll bet Neggie still wants to get covered wieth something toasty that holds in the body heat, and traps it, so she’s warm, all except her nose and lips!:sleeping:
Isabelle says
Happy for them! :grinning:
Not to critisize, but I always wondered – why do they have only the bare floors and no substrate, like for example straw? Is it bc of some hygenic required standard, or?
Linda C says
It’s heated :relieved: And they clean that floor at least 1x /day