As mentioned on Saturday, I have been working on putting together security camera footage from a couple of weeks ago that captured Honey B and Rayne “mall walking” along with some other fun highlights of that morning. I was able to finally figure out the technical issue with exporting the video, and I wanted to share it with you asap.
I just love that the chimpanzees have their own busy lives completely separate from us humans, and seeing them have so much fun makes all of the anxiety of integrating the two groups well worth it!
Observant watchers will note that the time as shown on the camera footage jumps when the scene switches to the black and white / night vision of the mezzanine. That’s because that particular camera is on a different camera system and the times between the two are about six minutes off. This made it a bit challenging to piece together all of these separate clips.
It would have taken me a really long time to label all of the chimpanzees, so you’ll have to use your best id skills to figure out who is who.
I hope you enjoy this extra long video!
Linda C says
What a nice, long video! Thanks, Diana! I love how they tke it to the railings when they’re bored with the mall floor!
tomaustin says
as I am not a techie, you would still be waiting on me to put that together……..I enjoyed that very much….who knows what motivates them to have that routine….if they were in the wild, I would venture it would represent their day of moving to a new location for food and shelter…….
Kathleen says
Follow the Leader!!
Oh Diana! This was a magnificent idea and I enjoyed every ticking-of-the-clock second! Thank you, thank you. I was excited when you shared that small clip an the Chimpanzees In Need zoom get together, but this! This was better than expected. What fun! I am still chuckling. I’ll be watching this a few times over!
Honey B and Rayne are hard to tell apart! Tricky to ID who is who from this perspective.
My first thought was what time do you arrive? By the time staff is on the scene, Honey B and Rayne must be exhausted! No wonder they love the Gatorade tubs, they need the electrolytes to recharge after their strenuous mornings. And I have to ask, do they “mall walk” at other times of the day or is this mostly a first-thing-in-the-morning routine? I would love to know what’s going on in their beautiful minds. Perhaps, like Jamie, they are simply doing a morning perimeter check. Or maybe they are excited for all of you to arrive so they can drink smoothies and eat breakfast. Or maybe they really are just playing follor the leader.
What was up with Honey B (or I think it was Honey B) at 2:10 into the video. She totally collapsed, like a spoiled child who doesn’t to go any further. And soon after, was that Lucky very awkwardly climbing down the stairs (2:40)? Is she unsure of stairs (if so, I could see why since I’m guessing they didn’t have stairs at WW) or is it more of a physical difficulty? Speaking of Lucky, I loved her nest building with the scarves and firehose. What a dear girl.
Can I please pretend I am a student from CWU needing to review your camera footage for my thesis?
Diana says
I’m so glad you liked it, Kathleen! I have watched it several times myself. that collapsing by Honey B was a playful move! It was Gordo going down the stairs at that point in the video, and nothing is wrong – imagine you going down stairs head and hands first. :laughing: Some chimps prefer to use the railing to go down rather than walking on the stair treads, or they go down sideways, or take a poll down instead. The stairs themselves are really more for the humans who have to clean.
Linda C says
Personally, I love it wgen Jamie and Missy slide down sideways on the railing (or climb up it)
nancyt says
Good to know we “seniors ” aren’t the only ones who get up early to be mall walkers.Keep moving so we can make it to
a ripe old age of ? I feel for Honey B or Rayne as they start off limping a little& by the time they are finished, picked up the pace, leaping & balancing so well. Thank you ,Diana, for sharing their early morning with us.
marianne says
I could not wait; normaly I read the blog in MY morning, which is YOUR night, but I saw it ( it is 11.30 pm) and could not wait that long.
Wow, great video Diana, thank you for the treat. 15 minutes of Mall Walk, fun and joining in for bits at the time by others.
Could it be checking of the living environment like Jamie and the gang do?
Or do they have a pedometer and need to tick a 100.000 by the end of the day??:face_with_hand_over_mouth:
They look like two peas in a pod those sisters, just having a great time.
I will watch it again in the morning. Bedtime for me now.
Nancy Duryea says
I was also wondering if they were patroling the perimeter. Since I watch the blog from my phone most of the time and not my computer, it looked to me like two of them were walking on top of the railings near the end of the video. I held my breath, afraid they might fall.
Thank you for the extended video, I really enjoyed it.
Magda says
Thank you, Diana. That was a real treat!
Ellie Sternquist says
Love this – worth the fanagling!! In the wild do troops have perimeter scouts to assess safety? i am reminded of a long ago primate story about territory protection and wonder if this is instinct transformed?
Diana says
Yes, you are correct about wild chimps patrolling, and Jamie and friends do that with their outdoor territory. I’ve never seen that group do it inside. This seemed less serious / more playful, but it could certainly be a part of that instinct!
Linda C says
I just thought it was an extended game of “chase” brought on by extra morning energy and pre-breakfast excitement. Because breakfast is fruit and as Kelsi says, “everybody loves fruit”!
Deanna says
I love this!!! These girls have places to be, things to do and people to see!!! They are very busy and now we know how they stay so slim and trim!!!