My phone has been angry at me the past week or so. The memory is near capacity and it sometimes refuses to run some apps. The culprit of the memory consumption? Photos and video. Though I upload them to a cloud drive, I still have them on my phone because you never know when you’re going to need one to send to some one. It’s (personally) tough to purge the photos and video from my phone. As I delete 100, I take 100 more the next day I arrive at work. But, as I try to better myself at deleting things off my phone and trust the cloud drive, I found several videos of Burrito and I running around Young’s Hill over the past year. Watching these over again, I realized something. Every season is running season for Burrito! Please enjoy this montage of him running around Young’s Hill in the various seasons of Washington State.
Here are some bonus photos I took today and yesterday:
Foxie watching the produce delivery this morning from Young’s Hill.
Negra in the Greenhouse while the others venture out on their first patrol of the morning.
Jody foraging for some pine branches and wild roses on Young’s Hill this afternoon.
Jamie with her sweet pepper haul yesterday during Missy’s birthday.
Annie with her sweet potato haul yesterday.
I think Burrito is trying to help you all cut down on your health insurance costs. He wants to make sure you get plenty of healthy exercise! He has the sweetest face although Foxie girl is my favorite!
That is indeed a lot of running, Chad!
Did Foxie know it was a produce delivery, do you think?
You have to ask?! You know as well I do…..Of course Foxie knew! Haaa haaaa ha!
RUN Burrito RUN! this was actually news to me Chad. I mean, I’ve seen him run once in a while, I thought it was just out with the girls on patrol. I thought, somewhere in the back of my head, that he had a leg issue, or a knee issue. arthritis or something. And a heart issue. so I was kind of surprised by this. You Chad… I can hear you breathing LOL. Take it easy there bud.
Some of my very favorite photos are of the chimps way up high on the climbing structures. Where they have endless views of their magical home. It just makes me so happy to see them way up there where they are the most free of all.
and of course Negra snug as a bug! Love it!
Thank you, Chad, for the wonderful montage of our buddy Burrito. He always seems so happy when he’s on the hill. Beautiful home for all of them!
Burrito is a man for all seasons and we love him for a thousand and one reasons! Delightful seeing Burrito running year round, nothing stops him. Your saved clips made a perfect video. And thanks for sharing all these photos too. Don’t purge a single image. 😉
I agree: Don’t purge a single image. The Cle Eluminaires always
provide a good image.
Long may Burrito run, and run for joy with his friends, simian and human alike.
The photograph of dear Negra is, as always, pleasing to the eye. And yet, I wonder: I’ve noticed that Neggie has appeared to be sleeping a lot in recent blogs. I hope that this is not an indication of ill health. I trust that she is receiving her ample portion of nightbags.
Great blog and photos. It is so nice seeing the chimps out a free to be. Your comments are
always so good and funny. The chimps sure do enjoy their new home. Thank you.
Thank you Chad, you’re a great buddy to this playfull chimpanzee man whom you love dearly;
we know that it is mutual!
To me it feels like Burrito took running from Missy, perimeter checking from Jamie, and walking with a doll in your mouth from Foxie and mixed it all together with a good dose of Burrito-ness…..
You’re right!
Thank you all for always posting positive, uplifting comments. Your compassion and concern mixed with laughs and love are high points in my day.
It does the same for me, Cynthia. A marvelous place, and a marvelous space!