Kelsi and I were cleaning the playroom this morning when Jamie got Kelsi’s attention and requested a walk (we’ve learned to read Jamie’s behavior pretty well, and she’s insistent until we figure out what she wants). It’s not unusual for Jamie to want to pull someone from cleaning to do her bidding. That’s what sanctuary is all about, right?
When Kelsi came back from the patrol around Young’s Hill, she was grinning – I could tell even with her mask on. She said she got some great video of Missy and Burrito playing while patrolling.
She was not wrong! It was a joy putting this video together.
Later in the day, during a lunch forage, Missy and Foxie scaled Negra’s Cabin at the same time (Burrito down below).
Foxie made it to the very top and secured some beets before climbing back down to where she had left her doll.
Soon enough, they were both off doing their own things separately.
Here’s a bonus photo of Spring Queen Negra:
On the other side of the building, Willy B laid down on the boardwalk, just as he did yesterday, soaking in the sun and taking cat naps. Spring is good!
Vicky Miller says
I’m a Jamie chimpanzee because I love shoes, boots and books.
Mary Garripoli says
Me, too. Happy Spring!
Janet Geisel says
I love Burrito, but I’ve always been bossy so I guess that would make me Jamie Chimpanzee.
Kathleen says
I’m changing Jamie’s name from Boss Jamie to Sarge. She’s all business, stays on her path, takes a sharp right turn, no missteps! I’m not sure she was even slightly considering goofing off when Annie joined in on the fun. I think Jamie was just running to get back out in front of things. : ) Hopefully once her mission was over Sarge had some fun with the gang. I was dizzy watching Burrito spin around! Fun seeing everyone in their own way full of Spring Fever. A very funny patrol, so happy you captured it to share with us Kelsi.
And thanks for the bonus photo of Negra. Yes, springtime is now official.
Donna L Smythe says
I too noticed that perfect 90 degree angle at the corner Kathleen..carrying out her duty with perfection lol.
Linda C says
I thought the same thing when I saw it on YT yesterday, Kathleen! She just wanted to be out front again!
Linda Gere says
Awesome post. So heart warming to read about and see pictures of our friends.?
marianne says
I am more a Negra and/or Mave myself…..favorite activity: relaxing and eating…..
Jim Webb says
Once they all got in line, the tune that keeps going through my mind is the theme to Bridge Over The River Kwai.
Linda C says
Hmmm…I’m a little of both. Friday, I was trying to be Jamie, trying to get my two coworkers to organize what they wanted to see on Salem, to avoid walking up and down the same street 6 times (spoiler alert: it didn’t work, and two of us were tuckered out). But later this afternoon, I’ll walk wirh a neighbor, and I’m likely to be the one pausing with binoculars to look at this bird or that one
I hope everyone is having a great Easter, can’t wait for a forage video!
Linda C says
And yes, always good to see Neggie out and about!
Tarina says
I adore both Jamie and Burrito so I guess that would make me a Jamburrito!!
Linda C says
“Jamburrito” sounds joyous, like “jamboree”!