In the greenhouse, there’s a small bench with a digital scale inside.
When a chimp sits on the scale, we can look up at the display panel and record their weight. This is important for overall health management as well as for dosing medications.
While the bench might seem to the chimps to be like any other bench, it is not. It is serious business.
The scale is a bonafide medical device. One does not play games with medical devices.
The most important thing to remember is that the entire body must be kept on the platform for accurate weight measurement.
Never stand on the scale.
Remain still during the entire process.
Do not, under any circumstances, taunt the scale operator.
Remain upright at all times! I can’t believe I even have to say that.
OK, I get it. You think this is funny.
Are we finished?
Right, then. As I was saying, this is a serious medical device.