Today, the staff continued our PRT training. However, I was able to take a few photos from today of the Seven enjoying Young’s Hill!
The days have been getting warmer and the snow is disappearing quickly. Just like yesterday, the Seven (minus one) spent a lot of time today exploring Young’s Hill.
When the door leading to Young’s Hill first opened, the first order of business was to take in this warm morning.
Well, that was most everybody’s first agenda item. Burrito’s agenda item was to run around the hill.
Right behind us came Jamie and Missy, with Jody in tow.
Before Jody continued on the walk, she first tried to look for some ice treats in a hanging tire.
None found, she went for one of her other favorite foraging items, a pine branch.
Coming up behind Jody was Foxie, with two Orange Blossoms!
Annie waited at the bottom of the hill for everybody to return. Though she didn’t partake in the first patrol, she was seen out and about since.
Missy stopped for a snowy treat before making her way inside.
Along the way, Jamie decided she want to climb the Twister and take in the surroundings.
At this point, you may be wondering about the “minus one.”
She did poke her head out in the morning, but decided to stay under a pile of blankets in the Greenhouse.
Beverly Donovan says
Poor Negra, there is always tomorrow….
M Brown says
I’m with Negra! 🙂
Kathleen says
Oh Negra. With all the changes going on at the sanctuary it’s good to know some things never change.
Thanks for these photos Chad. Especially enjoyed seeing Jamie on the Twister. It’s an excellent image, Jamie looks very content.
PatC says
who else knew the minus-one was going to be Negra? 🙂 I’m glad she can huddle under her blankies when she wants to.
marianne says
And for As Long As She Want To….
Linda C says
Yep! For every 2 times we see Neggie stay behind, there’s one where she’s first out the door!
Francoise says
Me too! That’s my style. Under the covers. I’m not really here…
Paulette Wrisley says
Awesome picture of My Valentine Burrito! Isn’t he just so photogenic?! All of them are so precious. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Love you!