If Burrito and Negra in today’s video do not put a smile on your face and a desire in your heart to help support them and the sanctuary, well I just don’t know what will.
HOOT! is coming up fast! I’ll be spending the next few days madly uploading more auction items – there are some really fun and beautiful things to bid on, and there are a lot of reasons to give. Hope for the future!
P.S. I’m still waiting on your pant-hoot submissions – don’t forget!
Arlene and Michael says
This is so precious. Laughed out loud a few times. At first I wasn’t sure if Negra wanted her head patted that many times but she did not resist. They both seemed very content. So glad you got this on camera and thank you so much for sharing.
Jenny S Wilson says
I find myself nodding my head along with them. 🙂
Kathleen says
One stick, two old friends, and a headless doll. Fill my heart with joy! That is THE sweetest play session I’ve seen. In the beginning where Negra is holding Burrito’s foot, and then she presses her face against his thigh…I think my heart slipped into my throat. Negra’s subtle little head bobs to continue, Burrito’s laugh, and a few times I swear, Burrito looks quite pleased with himself for playing “just right” with his old pal. (gulp) Burrito is so soft with Neggie, well….most of the time. There are times these two reminded me of the old SNL skit where Bill Murray gives Gilda Radner noogies!
Diana, you must be frazzled getting everything ready for the HOOT! Your auction items always blow me away, especially the art, and this year does not disappoint, the art is outstanding. Annie in the snow — wow! How is it you have so many talented supporters?! Good luck with all the final touches, I am looking forward to the event.
Tobin says
Yes, Burrito is mostly gentle, except the part where he does look like he’s trying to give Neggie noogies…at which point I almost expect her to say, a la Gilda Radner to Bill Murray in “the Nerds” sketch, “Cut it out, Spaz!”
Linda C says
because he knows that for whatever reason, she likes to be hit on the head when playing. Sweet to see them playing together, considering his morning displays used to be the bane of her existence!
Linda C says
that statuette of Neggie is incredible! He has captured her posture and, um, roundness, perfectly!
Kathleen says
I love that sculpture of our beloved Queen! Just incredible how it captures her royal physique, I mean persona. I have my eyes on this piece this time around, and I fear that it will going into bidding wars for sure.
Linda C says
I feel like he based it on a still from the video called “good morning, Neggie!” where she is trying to get wake up in the morning in one of the front rooms
Stevie Gillis says
First of all I’ll address the pant hoot video. Being wiser in my old age (59), I feel the same way about my “pant-goot” video as I’ve always felt about sending naked pictures…once you hit send-they’re out there and bound to come up when you least expect it. My luck I’ll be one of 2 people being considered for a job. When they ask if I have any special skills and I say “no, not really” that when the interviewer is going to show the video of me pant hooting! Lol. Now, Burrito has always been one of my favorites; I think bc I could actually pick him out bc of the objects in his mouth. Watching him gently play with Negra was about the sweetest think I’ve ever seen! How can anyone not love these adorable nuts!
Judy says
This video is absolutely the sweetest. Jealous of Negra getting a Burrito massage 🙂 Very touching (pun intended). Although it’s been (and may again be) very different interaction between them the fact that it can be like this…and is a reality for both of them is priceless. The statue of Negra is beyond words incredible.