Unlike yesterday, the chimpanzees were very lively today and I was able to grab some better photos!
The chimpanzees were given access to Young’s Hill just a couple minutes before breakfast. But five minutes was too long for Jody. She was the first one out and immediately began foraging for some local plant life that grows on the hill.
Jody must have also anticipated Negra waiting for her. She initially brought two back, but ended up with one, and Negra with the other.
Later on in the day, I found Foxie out in the Greenhouse.
Though this one is a little blurry, I still like the pose in it and would consider it a crime not to share anyway.
Also unlike yesterday, I was able to finally capture Willy B in all his handsome glory. I had to be quick though because after hearing the shutter of the camera, he raced to the caging to see his portrait.