I have to apologize in advance, as this post contains nothing but photos of Burrito playing. Save your angry letters! Out of fairness, we have to feature him on the blog every once and a while.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by J.B.
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
Copyright © 2024 Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. All Rights Reserved. Site by Vegan Web Design
How could anyone be mad it’s just Burrito. He’s such a sweetheart and so adorable good job J.B.
I always love photos of the handsome Mr. B. He is such a sweetheart!
Such a sweet face !
Ah, Sweet Burrito! So nice to see him featured for a change…
who says facetiousness can’t be communicated online, JB?! 😀
Alas, I have begun to fear for poor French Dora….
A friendly Hello, Linda…Remember the big, metal tub from last winter, filled with snow & ice…AND… naked troll dolls…I feared for them as well…HaHa
I think you and Burrito both know, we could look at that face all day, everyday. 🙂
Agreed! JB, no need for apologies. Great photos that really capture so much about him. Since he’s the only male in the original 7, Buritto gets to shine by himself on this occasion despite all those powerful females. Thanks for these wonderful pics!
Make it stop!! I can’t take anymore! Drowning in adorable-ness! Please stop… (Kidding! Never stop. There is no way anyone can ever get enough of Burrito!!)
Thanks J.B. I really needed this today.
He needs a nose hair trimmer, too. 😀
lol, Carla, well…he *is* getting older! A couple more years before he hits “senior citizen”! 🙂
Oh, great, Linda. That’s an image.
Can’t you see him when he’s 88? Hunched over the walker, barely able to walk from reaching for the remote too many times because the wifey smartened up and stopped picking it up for him; barely able to now gum the hair off Dora because he can’t remember where he put the denture cup; and always screeching for the last person who used it to remember to put the lid back on the Vap-O-Rub: Willy B keeps eating it!
And oh, my Lord. Don’t even get me started about what it would be like if the guys were all roommates. Can’t you see all the butt-scratching and toenail clippings? And forget ever going into their room–it’ll just be one solid methane cloud from all the belching and farting.
Yep. Now you’ve got me going, Linda. Thanks again! 😀
Jeeb? You wouldn’t happen to have need of a comedy writer to “spice” up some of their copy wouldja? ;D
lol, Carla, I didn’t need a rem8nder of why I’m no longer married, but you just gave me several, lol!
How adsorbs is it that in almost every image he has something in his mouth just like a 2-year-old??
BIG LOVE to my forever boyfriend. <3
It’s never too mach Burrito!
Does someone know what happened to my comments? Both of them are gone. 🙁
Srry, guys! My browser keeps doing this to me!!!! Srry again.
Well, I thought since we had subscription privileges again that maybe we could also delete our own comments, too, but I can’t find that option if we do.
So feel free anyone to delete these comments about how they weren’t showing up.
Bubba Boy = pure joy
ANY-time ANY-day
Can n e v e r get enough of this handsome, comedic & endearing chimp-person!!!
Thanks J.B…. you can serve up huge doses of Mr. B any day…. we don’t need words when we have Burrito to look at 🙂
I would never get mad over featuring Burrito. I love that guy. For some reason my heart breaks for him. The awful injuries he sustained by a newer chimp just crushed me. He was alone for so long. Feature away as much as you can. I love that guy.
I think it’s because he seems like such a Beta…like, all he wants is to be your friend…and lots of food! So what happened seems even more tragic/his youthful, resilient spirit serms doubly impressive
I love the whole Cle Elum family, but Burrito will always and forever be my buddy.
AAAWWWW!!! I love you Burrito. 🙂