Today was full of excitement. It started with a breakfast forage on the hill for the group of seven. While you might not choose to eat lettuce for breakfast, the chimpanzees were pretty thrilled with it.
We just got back our long telephoto lens that supporter Kathy Cochran donated to us many years ago. We’ve been having trouble with the focus so I sent it in to be repaired. It was expensive, but so worth it. They must have cleaned everything too because the photos are not only in focus but vibrant.
J.B has been working really, really hard this last week repairing and renovating the playroom. The other staff have lent a hand here and there, but he’s put in the bulk of the work and all of the worry about whether it will withstand the test of Jamie (see video above).
I decided that the chimpanzees needed something special for dinner after putting up with us all week, so I made some waffles out of the “dust” from their primate chow mixed with blended bananas, raspberries and soy milk. According to Kelsi and J.B, the waffles received 9 out of 10 thumbs up from the chimps. Willy B politely took a bite, but then just as politely put his waffle on the floor.
I keep looking at the camera monitor and having to do a double-take on the playroom. The light is streaming in and I hear Jody ripping up blankets to make her nest.
That’s probably my cue to get out of here and, like the chimpanzees, have a nice long sleep tonight after a long week.