We get to begin this day with the gifts of two days of sanctuary for the chimpanzees! The first sponsorship of the day is from Lisa and Marcus Andrews, in celebration of the date “two happy primates met.”
Lisa and Marcus, thanks so much for choosing to celebrate a couple of human primates while making the lives of ten chimpanzees better! We all hope your day is a really wonderful one!
Thinking of primates meeting one another, this brings to mind how we are so honored and happy to have met Mave, Willy B and Honey B and to have welcomed them to our chimpanzee family last year. These three chimpanzee people continue to delight and amaze us with each passing day that we get the privilege to know them more and more.
Mave and Willy B:
Honey B and Mave:
Honey B and Willy B:
Honey B and Mave:
Bill says
When will these 3 get access to Young’s Hill?
Linda C says
as far as I know, they have access to a part of it, but still choose not to
Katelyn says
Hi Bill,
Mave, Honey B and Willy B do have their own private courtyard which is part of Young’s Hill, but they haven’t yet felt comfortable venturing out again since their first foray. We provide the option and a variety of enticing reasons to try it out (pathways, climbing structure, forages, enrichment, etc) and it’s their choice to go out or not, but as you might imagine, it’s a big step for them. We trust they’ll work up to it in their own time and way.
Rene says
Thank you Lisa and Marcus you generosity to this beautiful chimp family. Have a beautiful day?? ??
lisa says
Thank you, Rene. Humanity is forever in debt to these and other chimps. They are a wonder.
Linda C says
What a way to celebrate, you monkeys! That one made me laugh. Congrats on finding each other out there in the jungle!
lisa says
Thank you, Linda! We both were dragged along on our friends’ first date. They didn’t click, but here we are 23 years later.