“May the roof above you never fall in and those gathered beneath it never fall out.” ~Irish Proverb
Though things have been a little tight here in terms of staffing, we still try our best to bring some excitement to the chimpanzees’ lives. With today being St. Patrick’s Day, we decided to throw them a little party. On today’s menu: “corned beets” and cabbage. We roasted some beets and boiled some cabbage and potatoes.
After we cleaned the Greenhouse, we set up the party for the Seven. Burrito was really into the cabbage and potatoes and went around picking up any the others may have dropped.
Missy on the other hand grabbed a plate for her own to enjoy at her leisure.
And she made sure not to spill any of her plate even while climbing up the structures. (Now that’s talent!)
Like Burrito, Negra had her own preferences. She really was enthusiastic for the beets and potatoes. She fit as many as she could in her mouth before returning to the Playroom.
While Jody seemed to really enjoy the cabbage Negra left behind.
At first Mave was really unsure of the beets. But after she gave them a try, they became her prized item for today.
When the parties began to wind down, everybody thought it was a good time for a nap.
Even Foxie and her doll.
So from us to you and your loved ones, have a safe and joyous St. Patrick’s Day!